In a normal compagni, a persone that represent the staff that call thier player base *14 year old min-maxer that live in thier mom basement* should be fired immidiatly and make public appologise, That happened in 2012 and the guy is still allways working here, so you clearly see PWE/cryptic dont care about humans but care…
its simple to answer it First you need good comunication, use a voice chat program like teamspeak or simply the voice chat in game it help on the coordination. Second you need coodination :) exemple: we was using a combinaison of 3 science officer for the subnuke(debuff all buffs) and 2 tactical (for spike domage with…
you could see there is mroe video on my channel , well i will show the last video i recorded between the 2 best team befor the release of DR but one hour long lol I was team caller and i was using thoose bind to quick change target, exemple, /bind 1 target name /bind 2 target…
thing you dont know or dont understand, is the publisher of cryptic(PWE) want to take your money with the minimum effort possible, that publisher dont care about humans but care about your wallet , understand now ? this is the reason why i suport star cityzen at 100%, they have no publisher who impose them restriction..…
A star trek game with publisherfree with the buget of star cityzen is what we need to get a beautiful star trek game, but ya in one or 2 year you will see MOD like that in star cityzen :D
stop liying dude, you are ridicoulous to talk about thing you dont know, first its 2 game, you have in one game called sq42 witch is a single or cooperative storyline, like a tripple AAA game and the second is a MMO like EVE (MMO mean massive multiplayer online) but it is first persone like you play a character that can…
cryptic/PWE is a bad game compagnie, they did go to far from stealing ppl money.. i got a lifetime acount, but i didnt bought it for the advantage but to get fireworks :)
My fleet is allways active in (pvp) its just i dont make premades anymore since all premades died after DR, since DR we lost 200 character/members and regained 100, also we did aquired a tier 5 FED fleet and we called it House of Beautiful Orions.
i do have proposed a idea last week: The idea here is to Open a server like tribble but persistent, a parallel universe running on season befor delta rising So i dont see why it cant work, Cause for the peaple who enjoy the new content nothing will change for them. But for the peaple who have quit the game (cause of the…
You need to be TRIBBLE to make ppl hate your game and hope make more money like that, in the long run they lose money cause they wanted grab money in the short run, kind of irony
well IF they want put some ressources in PVP it is totaly doable. as for the buisness model, there allways toose lock box ... and zens tore ship and the goodies .. They allready Know how to Fix the old build .. and ppl will come back and play that thing And once its UP the cost is minimal cause they dont have to create new…
Well the only solution i see to make pvp good again or bring back old ppl and keep the new one is to ROLL BACK THE GAME TO SEASON 7 or EVEN just befor New romulus expantion !!! its the only way to save what remain of this game. I am the player who played the most in this game and here was my feedback Borticus !
i almost give up for a hope of a better STO, i misss the time where i was flying my bug all the time and there was no equivalant ! but ya star cityzen soon !!
Equipping an item with a rechargeable power will now trigger a thirty second cooldown on that power. This lockout period prevents unfair advantages gained by cycling multiple copies of a given item. that do nothing ..... 24 sec and u can have a FULL restart of all abbilety .... i dont think that will stop players that are…
Vaper team is killling team with escort dogfighter , unfortunatly im playing vaper now and its not fun as dogfighter playstyile! So we have to adapt since cryptic if buffing vaping build every time they add new content I understand to hannibal been desapointed in that tournament, all our team was desapoinnnted, after that…
tyken stay when u use haxard, i mean it debuff and reapply debuff and reaply during 5 sec, so ur power nevver go up , in premade match, u get hold into that and u got NUKE, the real probleme is tyken stack so when 2 guy do it in same time u lose all ur power under a second(free kill) and it cant be friendly fire with ams…