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ncodb01 Arc User



  • As much as that appears to be a bug, that actually looks kind of cool! I saw someone running around with the Omega armour lower half complete with grenades, and a mirror-universe "sports bra" on the top, and it looked pretty boss. I think this bug comes down to the fact that the Fed-only and KDF-only STF costumes were…
  • No cruiser that would fit the slot? Sure there is! It's called the Assault Cruiser! ;) Surely, they only (somewhat) recently released a Refit variant on the C-store, but there was a Fleet variant on the Tribble server when Season 6 was being developed. That, or a Fleet Excelsior would be nice. :rolleyes:
  • Excellent. I'm stuck at work at the moment, so haven't been able to check yet. On a related note, does anyone know if the Lirpa with Psi damage is any good compared to other melee weapons?
  • Well, they ARE based on the Borg Transwarp Hub in the episode Endgame from Voyager. However, i have to agree - they look fugly. However, I remember seeing some concept artwork somewhere of a Federation transwarp gateway, which looked similar to the relays in Mass Effect, however ships would travel through the centre rather…
  • The Nero Maneuver: FIRE EVERYTHING!!
  • It's still there. The system you're looking for is called Ker'rat, which is in the Eta Eridani sector. It's a Space War Zone. http://www.stowiki.org/Ker%27rat_System I hope this helps! ;)
  • I've heard the same thing from many other players in-game, that the TR-116 rifle would be a fantastic addition to the C-Store. After all, transphasic kinetic space weapons give a higher shield bleedthrough, so why not give a ground weapon that does the same? Plus, shooting through walls, quite an advantage. ;) Plus, it…
    in Tr-116 Comment by ncodb01 July 2012