So basically they are nerfing everything because of PVP. Even though PVP is such an insignificant part of this game. Welcome to every other MMO out there.
Actually, they fixed kemocite, or rather buffed it when the new skill trees launched. Ive been getting favorable parser numbers using all variants of the ability.
I think a majority of pets in the game are broken in some way or another, have been for awhile. Especially the hangar pets. I have noticed that none of my pets, including fighters and frigates do not have the full impulse capability and quickly get left behind when I move my ship. They will often despawn when they get to…
You are complaining about Fleet versions of your ship not being account wide? Why? If you own the Zen store variant, it will cost you 1 Fleet ship module. It is not account wide because you are upgrading that captains vessel. The extra hull and console slot are 100% worth it. 1. That is nothing. You can gather the EC's to…
I agree with the OP. Puzzles, no matter how easy or quick to solve, should be left out of MMO's in general. IMO, it is one of the ways that the story writers use to prolong the mission, to give the illusion that the mission is taking a fair amount of time to complete. Leave puzzles in games like Mist. Thanks
I am so glad that I do not play games on consoles. Especially this game. PC's are superior anyways. Too bad all the people playing this on consoles are dealing with these issues
Torpedo boats...rofl. Sure. Anyways, when I run my Pilot escort on my tactical officer, I run a DBB setup with the "rapid fire" style pilot seat ability. My DPS seems to be comparable to cannons, but I always pull more DPS with my quad phaser/Dual heavy phaser cannon setup.
PC's are superior to consoles in most every way except portability unless you use a laptop. STO gameplay is much simpler with a keyboard and mouse, hardware in a PC can be continuously upgraded and have the potential to surpass any console in terms of visuals.
People still play this game? Ive been checking in from time to time to see if they are preparing to launch a new expansion. A real expansion, like a Cardassian faction. The TOS story arc does not count. When I level up that new fed toon with the TOS theme, the servers seemed fine.
Actually I tried it on tribble as well. I love it. The lighting seems to be great everywhere I went. Try adjusting settings or upgrade to a better system imo.
TBH, not only is that ship ugly, it has almost 0 tactical-offensive capability. Science is garbage. I could swoop in with my JJ Connie and blow that thing to pieces before you could cast a gravity well.
I think it is going to depend on your hardware. High end machines, running at maxed settings will really see the improvements. People who can not run the new settings, will not be able to render the new stuff correctly.
The vesta is no where near a top ship anymore. I can think of 5 T6 science vessels that would walk all over it. The caliso pets are bugged and broken, just like almost every other hangar in the game including the BOP pets. I own all of them, including the JHAS pets and they too, are broke. No full impulse, ignore commands…