You can get holo-emitters that change your ship to look like the Knorr Escort. Other than that I wouldn't expect you to be able to fly them. For the KDF side you need more Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan ships to start with.
If they ever did get the music from all the shows, I would love the option to select which music comes on in character select. If they want to make it nicer, allow us to not use any clients (Steam/Arc etc) and let us log in through the game itself. (That's where you'd have the music start up). A bit bored of the music in…
With my comments in mind about the FE, I have to say the Party Crasher "mini-game" is well.. pants. It's not difficult, time consuming or anything really bad. It's just incredibly boring. I wouldn't mind if it was 10 minutes long so long as I was having fun doing it. Take the Risian Summer Event for example, I was still…
I don't even mind if they add a few more missions such as "Defend the Mine from evils!" So long it's something different to do whilst grinding marks, it's a plus! Although I would love a long mission such as having each career having to do something to progress the mission.
The Krenim would be a fantastic enemy to fight against. However, they would have to be done correctly. As to how, I don't know. One things for sure.. if they had Kurtwood Smith Voice Acting his character again, that would be awesome.
If anything it needs to be 5km or less. Getting within transporter range to transport repair teams/vital components to the damaged ship. I do believe Cryptic needs to focus on the Trinity a little more in space. Give me a reason to jump into my Vesta/Intrepid and heal others, instead of blasting everything with my Scimitar.
I enjoy this game. Personally I have never encountered many game breaking bugs, usually funny bugs which dont effect you much.. such as people running around as ships. I play 4 characters, and theyre all cool. I do believe to like Trek is to embrace new ideas, so why not dinosaurs with lazers Sto has one of the better ftp…
I have to agree with my fleet mate. However I dont think slowing down a run to teach teamwork needs to be done. Most people will learn on their own. I will say that with our current stfs (nws not included) teamwork isnt strictly required. KASE for example can be 2 manned with teamwork. KASE with 5 people doesnt really need…
As far as im aware yes. I happen to like the difference between the two. You know whos firing what. The plasma bolts on high have a slight trail to them whereas disruptors dont.
I've always silently wished that the space combat was more similar to the ground. By this I mean when you die, your allies can "rez" you in a similar mechanic to ground, and other MMO's. To incorporate that into our fighters, have the fighters get to 0% hull and then have to fly back to the hangar to get repaired. Yes,…
It took me 2 keys to get the Galor from the Cardassian box. I bought the Recluse off the exchange at 65 million when I managed to get an orb weaver out of my 30th Tholian Box. I then bought another Orb Weaver later on off the exchange for 40mil. In short, save up EC, unless you're lucky.
Just one bug to report for the moment: When I visit my ship, when I look out of the window in the bedroomon the Main level of the Warbird, I can see the Med-bay as a cut out. Dunno if this has been posted already. Cheers.