*Looks at the screen door...sighs..gets up and clumsily puts it back in place.* Meh, good enough. Now we've actually got the main food colouring variety pack of bacon so your choices are red, blue, yellow or green bacon and eggs. Eggs are optional but the spam is not. Everyone must have spam!! And no I won't create new…
*Clicks and looks.* I didn't issue this invitation. Welcome to the party! Well its not so much a party I suppose. More of an occasional comment get together? There's some weeks old coffee and something edible in the corner I believe.
My hair is roughly 50% grey at this point, but my beard isn't turning white just yet. This next poster hails from a planet similar to ours except it is totally devoid of internet forums like this one.
Hmmm. So what sort of melons are you considering growing? (I assume you've been sitting there with that seed catalog since you posted waiting for my reply. Sorry I took so long. And sorry if you missed work or some family occasion on my behalf. I appreciate it. :D )
Ahhh. You answer your own question. HA! That's yet another victory for the Illogicals! *A score board appears showing Logicals 2, Illogicals 143,984,020,932.23 & 1/2. * You see, it was the illogical nature of the title that drew you in here. Of course had I said pon farr talk you probably would have come in too but I'm not…
*Hides Tiara* Yes I can control the weather. What are you trying to say Winters!? Why is everyone always starting something with me!!! (Still less of a drama queen than Storm.) Is a real life X-man, and is looking for they're very own Professor Xavier.
Was. Broke my time thingy, whatever that thing was..that I used to pop around in time. I wasn't very good at my job okay! Was supposed to help save Sarah Conner but arrived a couple decades too late.
Or you wouldn't know clever decoy if you saw one. >:-D *Tears the breading off the One TRUE Ring, puts it on his finger and disappears.* *Drops some bacon cookies.* *Drops some bacon carrots, and then gets into a staring contest with Sauron.*
Some guy offered to pre sell me seasons 1-3 of the new Captain Worf adventures show. He also had a bridge for sale, which I bought. Oh toll booth revenue will be sweeeeet!!!
*BUMPS into another Skeksis* Man those guys are just hanging around now. One mention and suddenly they're everyones best friend. I forgot how annoying they were.