it would be interesting to see do a poll on the popularity of ARC. Just to see how popular of an idea it is. Btw, I had a look at the program, for some reason, ARC didnt work on my pc properly. It gave the option quite clearly as to whether or not I wanted to share my system information so that is something I like. It is…
I have been reading about ARC, and how there loving the idea of making us use it. It is such a brilliant idea, to make a game become extremely popular, and then come up with something that is likely going to ruin it. I do not understand why you have to spoil a good thing. If the idea of making this software is to make our…
very true. also from what i have read, when the next season gets released, its going to be quite big, The file for startrekonline justs gets bigger and bigger. Any idea on just how big the next episode will be?
i get this problem to. ive already reported it its happening in the holodeck shard as well so they havent fixed it yet these little problems keep happening all over the place
There is a problem with playing this. When I finished doing all the missions after Temporal Ambasador, I started to do The T'Liss System Patrol and it doesnt work properly. I cant complete the patrol because when I destroy a patrol or a squadron of ships, the result at the side that tells you how many squadrons you have…
I did this mission today as well and vrimek isnt there. Ive done this mission before as a engineer, and it worked fine, but this time vrimek isnt there so I cant continue in this mission. I reported it as a bug when I was playing it, but I thought I would check here as well to see if anyone else had the same problem. Also…
The one thing I really like, is the voices for the characters that have been added. When I first started playing LOR (Legacy of Romulas) they didnt put any voices in and the text moved to fast to be read properly. It gives alot more realism to the game when the other characters when you interact with them etc. They will…
im getting the same thing. rubberbanding is happening for me. I was trying to play the crystaline entity and it was barely playable. I tried to contact my isp and find out if there were any problems but my connection is fine. It takes forever for the launcher to launch, and that hasnt happened for a long time for me. I…
I really like freelancer as well. The story line is fantastic. I hoped that they would put out a freelancer 2 or a game very similar to it. I have tried to find a game that was very much like freelancer and in someways sto is similar to it.
I just wanted to thank everyone that replied to my question. I suppose i should have worded my question a little differently as even now i realise that "forever" is a long time. I hope with new expansion coming up shortly (Legacy of Romulas) will give this game some much needed infusion of life. Even with the lifetime…
Thank you very much for responding to this, I really appreciate you telling me about the technical support. That should be helpful for future problems. Btw I did get a response to this from cryptic. Apparently the card that PayPal had on their file had expired and so they tried to charge my bank account instead. I won?t go…
Thanks for that. yeah your right I should just contact them by their online support. Its probably easier and cheaper then trying to call the company from overseas.
well I for one will say I love the game, they are making new sectors and new missions, content etc. I started playing this game and i originally was paying for membership in 6 month blocks I think at the time, but I decided to buy a life time membership mainly because I want star trek online to be around for a long time. I…
I live in Australia and I was playing the game and I started to get some serious problems to like when I would start the game etc, I would get horrible rubber band effect, when I would start the game the UI would take awhile to load, playing the game was getting hard, I contacted my ISP and this one guy took me through my…
Is there a limit to how many emails we can have ? I have paid for my membership and I am a gold member (i paid $299 for a lifetime membership) so do I get an unlimited amount of emails or not? Trying to delete emails ingame is so slow especially when you have 5 characters and receive alot of emails. I haveto delete one…
im constantly getting this now to. almost everytime i start a mission or i am beaming to a ground mission i get server not responding. I just paid for a lifetime membership i did this to show loyalty, it isnt being shown to me. I am constantly having to stop the game and relaunch startrek online all the time now.. What the…
You?re probably right, but since I?m not a pro when it comes to overlocking in bios, I?ve just found it easier to use software. Also I just noticed that I?m a career officer and you?re a commander. What is the difference between a career officer and yourself?
Okay thanks for the advice... I have had little trouble since with my system except for the occasional overheating. I really need to get a proper cooling system setup. The one good thing with the system I have is that I am using an Intel? Core? i7 Processor. The motherboard software comes with a program that easily lets me…
I suppose I should have asked the question differently... I agree that STO probably won?t be around forever, but it will be for some time to come. Star Trek itself I think will be around forever because the Idea of Star Trek is soooo unique. I mean I love the idea of one day we can do things like transport ourselves from…