There isn't any episode called "Cold Play". Unless you're meaning one of the Breen episodes (every episode has the word "Cold" in it somewhere, ie "Out in the Cold", "Cold Call", "Cold Case", "Cold Comfort", but none of them are called "Cold Play") ..and I'm sure you don't mean Coldplay, they have nothing to do with STO ;)…
Yes, I know, no dialogs were changed. That's why it's funny. ;) Right? Hilarious. I'd like to think the Fed'Hadar player was given some white the factory blew up. >;) That's my revised canon and I'm stickin' to it.
Gamma Quadrant tribble is not from a box. As it was said above, Ketracel White + any tribble = Gamma Quadrant tribble Just stick the tribble in your character bank; that prevents any more from being created.
I hope you mean "The Renegade's Regret" because that's the actual name of the mission. The Tzenkethi captain is a female, not a male. So you know. They do read reports. Even if you don't get a reply, they still read them. When do they act on them is anyone's guess.
So you're suggesting the devs spend a lot of hours coding the feature just for one guy? "Because I think he's awesome" isn't a valid reason. Do better. Change our minds.