Thanks Dahminus. I'm thinking I'll hold it for a while. I've always wanted one of those carriers; however, you make a good point about the T6 coming out with DR in the next couple months. ...and for those asking about it in-game already, if I sell it I'll do it on the AH.
After reading responses, and doing a bit more math, I think I'm going to trade out the transphasics for bio-molecular photons. I think the radiation damage, plus the dyson anomalies, will do more damage long-term than transphasics. That being said, this is what I'm looking at:…
From my experience, Biotech Patch is pretty nice to have, seeing as I run HE3; however, I'm not sure if Living Hull is really worth it as I'm not so sure I see a marked difference with it. But I haven't honestly tested with and without to see regen rates.
I was planning for 9 just because I was doing this as a mold...I will move them though, if that was the consensus. Thank you for the information on that one. As for the TBRs, yes, I have found them quite useful in certain situations. Something I have done in the past, as someone said earlier, was use them as a pull effect…
You know...I have both of those and I would like to use them with the build...but I'm not real sure what I would take out to put those consoles in. It's honestly the only downfall to the Fleet Intrepid, in my opinion, is the console loadout.
You know, I haven't really timed the Ablative. I've used it several times but never timed it. Sorry. I took a look into the Breen set a while back when I did my first run at a torpedo boat, but I wasn't impressed by the stats it offers. The Adaptive MACO still gives me a torpedo damage boost at 2pc which is why I'm running…
Good point on the torpedo CDs, I'll switch that out easily enough. Also, you're referencing the Kinetic Shearing from the Borg reputation system, right? I do have that, I just didn't fill out the trait portion. Thanks for making sure, though. Finally, right on with the deflector dish! I wasn't tracking that one. This is…
Let me add my piece about the Vesta cannons. It's my experience, and many people argue against me, that the cannons really aren't really worth using in any way. They look nice and they sound nice, "Ooo, a DHC I can use WITH my AUX heavy skills," when they actually don't add much more DPS than a full WEAP power build with…
Alright, I took a minute and revamped my loadout. The current plan is posted below: Would this be a more solid build and loadout? I think I took the synergy back into account, which, I will admit, I took out previously to see how worthwhile Viral Matrix was… DOFFs are now on the "Notes" tab. Yes, I primarily play PvE but from time to time run a quick PvP match. I want my shields to last longer or maybe just balance my BOFF/DOFF abilities better to make a longer living build when facing eSTF situations. Not terribly…
Wow...slight derp moment. Here's the current loadout. It was modeled after a PvP oriented Escort fighting build...I made a few slight changes to consoles was all.
If you're meaning the personnel officer, I've been to her several times and I haven't seen the R&D option. Am I doing something wrong or is it a special assignment that isn't always there? ...disregard...I'm an idiot.
...they should make a list that says which material is gained from which event. Did they do that or were they typical DEVs and want us to do it ourselves?
So, it seems I can't take a screen cap at anything higher than renderscale 1. If I got higher it goes all black. Is there any way to fix this? Also, I've got a red tint to my caps, how do I get rid of that?
I've been using BO relatively well in PvE, is the problem in the weapon power drain that accompanies it? I'm just asking for clarification. The thought behind the CRF is just to get turrets putting down more damage regardless of target angle, yes? This is the loadout I'm using now. Let me know what tweaks I could make. DOFFs are: GW-aftershock/Deflector CD (x3)/Projectile CD
I'm running 2 GW build focused on large pull radius but higher particle damage to make it a decent weapon. I'm just torn on using DHC (if Nova can) or DBBs up front with my Grav Photon Torp.
Keeping the recommendations in mind, I have built up a Fleet Nova with: SCI: PH1/TSS2/GW1/GW3 SCI: TSS1/HE2 SCI: ST1 ENG: ET1/EPtS2 TAC: ???/???/??? I haven't filled the TAC yet because I'm not sure if I can equip DHCs on a Fleet Nova. I can't log into game currently or I'd just check. Anyone know off-hand?
I'm running 3 Deflector DOFFs, a Grav-Well DOFF and an Energy Weap DOFF. All my BOFFs are Very Rare; however, I've got a Reman, a Voth, Human, Alien, Orion and Human. Again, all are Very Rare so I assume they have the highest stats, never really checked, oops. I don't have a Rom BOFF, I would like one, but can't seem to…
I did, good point. I was going for the two easier purchases I suppose. And, to the above poster, I get the whole buy to win reasoning, I just wish there was something about each which made it better at a particular build than others, perhaps. Maybe I'm just a little more than annoyed with the fact that all the consoles…
So, in all reality, no one ship is going to be any better than any other ship? I could run my Vesta against any other SCI ship and, with similar builds, the ships would perform practically the same? It's just annoying, I suppose, that there are so many different ships, at least for my Fed captains, but no one ship, "class"…
For instance, this is what I've been looking at doing for a while now, but I'm just always concerned once I spend the Lobi, which isn't the easiest thing to get nor the cheapest, a newer, better ship will come out. Am I just being paranoid and overly…