B'tran -1440 dili STF's -1100 + dili Mirror event only running once a day -4k + dili for an hour long run. And you want us to earn more Dili..... as someone else has said, if you want us to hit our refine limit each day, add dili to everything.
5 KDF missing the fireworks, and no extra char slots, also one of my FED chars is missing the VA ship token (only checked 2 FED chars so far, might be more) :P
I think and i could be wrong, its to do with the Rep system coming with season 7, Gold versions that are = to the old purple quality progression path. The new purple is not improved so as they dont become overpowered. So the new purples are really Blue :confused:. This was changed 2-3 months ago, if you cba you can look…