Download update Yesterday afternoon: At some point in the afternoon my PC connection remained stable and I completed the download. Nothing I did specifically, just restart the patch when I got the Lost Server Connection message. Given this I cannot attribute the issue to connection issues at my end. So I still don't know…
Download update: Download for several hours last afternoon and made it 3GB down and stopped. Was able to start download again before bed. By morning had another 3GB downloaded. So far have 6GB of the 19GB patch downloaded. At this rate should take me about 3 days to get it all downloaded with all the waits and restarts.…
M-kay... Ended up with Arc locking up everything. Nothing downloading from any game. So going back through all the steps/options: I closed everything and rebooted PC. Opened ARC and was able to access NWN as normal. Opened STO and patching stalled. Turned off "OnDemand" patching in options of STO launcher. Closed and…
I see there is still some issue with patching. I just downloaded the game yesterday. Haven't played it yet because I cannot get past the "patching". I tried everything mentioned above, plus some other things. I have other ARC games downloaded/played and never had a problem. Tried on different PCs and different internet…