f88k that.. i dont want to fix bugs by myself. i pay what for? and btw, rate game now as "low-quality product", fan project could be better. totally dissapointed. FIX THE BUGS AND STOP LAGS!!! :mad::mad::mad:
i dont see anything about this bug in new release notes and nothing in KNOWN issues.. so? are you going to fix it??? or we should every day for 100+ times assign boffs to their sits? :confused::confused::confused:
ye, how do we earn it? if party patrol unplayable.. and Criptic are you going to fix LAGS on ESD, SFA... entire game. Huh? or we should wait monday? or what? :mad:
exchange is very slow. almost stopped. cryptic, are you going to do something with exchange laggs? on weekends i have to spent an hour of my playing time just to put to or buy from exchenge. time to do something.. it lasts from DR release...