The problem is you shouldn't have to worry about such a thing in the first place!! As I said in an earlier post, the small dps increase from these two crummy AI ships is in no way worth such a risk - even if you manage to heal your past self it still gets eaten alive by fire/explosions and you go down with it. There isn't…
Couldn't agree more. This change really hurt ships that had multiple Engi slots - aka cruisers. The average escort has only a Lt. Engineer officer so they lost little-to-nothing from this, but a cruiser with 6 engineering slots to use is suddenly stumped. Trying to rotate EptSs and throw in an RSP or ES is severely hurt.…
First of all, OP, I think you went a little off-topic yourself by making this a "fedscort vs BoP" discussion, there's a lot more to balance than just those 2 types of ships! But when you look at the factions, it's quite obvious Klingons have the advantage in PvP balance. Most obviously, the cloaking device standard on most…
These replies are so frustrating to read because no one seems to understand just HOW bad the Manheim console really is (aside from darkenzedd). This is an expensive console with a huge 5-minute cooldown, the effect needs to be very powerful in order to justify that. The in-game description says it "triples your firepower"…