Hello all, I have played only since F2P so don't know how the game was before that. I went through the ups and downs of the game, ran a rainbow build, found out about slotting space doffs 6 months into the game, lost millions of ec before learning of the ec cap, I mention all these because we have all done at least one of…
Have been here since F2P began, and never envisioned myself not liking this game. I am in an under 25 fleet and have made alot of friends and enjoyed the game. I am going to try and explain my view, and then where I see this all going. I have spent money in the game, and bought extra char spots etc, and in the begining…
You will need to find another on the exchange, rare but possible. As for getting some rare skills, you know you can trade a Boff to a friend, have them train it with skills they have, and trade it back yes?