Wonder if it's first time only, it does say that rewards are reduced on the second time, ah, or is it an overflow bag bug, if the item doesn't go in inventory, maybe it doesn't register that it was taken... Hmm... FOR SCIENCE!
Never bought loadout slots... I use one to hold my standard ship loadout, and any Endeavour task loadout goes in the second - and that's just so it isn't hovering as unsaved changes over the primary
For me (OMG tempting fate now), it's better than it has been sometimes, when it could often be hit or miss if any loading actually succeeded... In those bad times, it worked better with proxy on. But there can be some annoying slows, not sure if they happen when visiting a very busy zone, or maybe an idle zone. If you're…
Still haven't done Tenebris Torquent, so the secret was actually. To get Nimbus / Wasteland arc on a Federation Jem'Hadar Complete the Klingon war arc as a side arc starting with Diplomatic Orders from Admiral Quinn... Stranded in space, Researcher rescue, contact then changes to Burgess in available, but follows on if you…
Went back, and mission was reset to beginning, and this time found it easily... maybe there was a bug before, or somehow I was always on the wrong side of it. Not sure if on demand patching is on or not, so it's better set off?