Thank you very much for both your kind words and your answer. I do have a prosthetic leg that I am trying to get used to using. It is a slow process however. I will be starting my first PT late next week for this. I got my prosthetic back in Oct of 2019. Getting back into STO is going slow for me being as I am trying to be…
OK, I did not play STO at all last year due to health reasons, I lost my leg last year, I do not remember where I have to go or what I have to open to claim this. Can I get some help please?
Sadly, I may not be able to claim this in time. I can not load into the game past the Slash Screen. This is the loading screen just before the Character choosing screen. I have stoped the program, exited out of the game completely, uninstalled the game and I am in the process of re-installing the game from scratch. I would…
I have one question. When are you going to give a time increase to the Tour the Galaxy Mission like you said was going to happen in the blog that described the changes coming to the new Sector maps?
I have 4 questions for you about this. 1) Are you using a laptop? 2) If not, and you are on a Desktop, have you dusted your computer lately? 3) Have you updated your video drives? 4) Are you overheating your computer by some chance? I ask these questions becaus I also have Windows 8.1 and when I last got a fatal error code…
I wonder when the Tour the Galaxy will be updated. It still reads as 15 minutes. The blog that said that there changes to the mission were coming said that the time would be going up. EDIT Did I see the note on Ribble correctly, Season 10 start on 21 Apr 2015????????
OK people. Here a way to fix the hotbar on your ships. You MUST follow steps. 1) Make a loadout on your ship while in a space map. ---- Everyone gets two free loadouts per ship.Move everything to where you want it on the hotbar. 2) Beam to any ground map. --- Best to beam to your ship's bridge. 3) Remove any item from your…
Hello All. I want to chime in with my 'two-cents worth" on this. I went to Lifetime membership on 16 Oct after paying for regular Monthly Gold membership for 15 months. I had the same problem for about a week. I even sent in a ticket to Customer Support and I have to say I STUMPED them. However, after about 10 days, the…
Hello I am also having the same problem. I have the following info on my computer --- Toshiba Satellite Laptop Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit OS 8 GB RAM Intel(R) HD Graphics Card 1920 x 1080 Resolution (Using a 23" Monitor) I had no problems with STO until DR went live. (Edit 16 Oct 2014) Here are 3 screenshots of my…
I would also add that the Devs do in fact listen to the players. In some MMOs, it is not uncommon for for problems on the forums to be up there for several years with no favorable response by the game devs. At least in STO problems are addressed in a very timely manor. I am also sure that most if not all the devs play STO…
Hello All. Ok first let me say that I am really glad I found this thread. GREAT WORK to the author. :D That being said, I have a question. I am not sure if it is possible to do this, but I wonder if it is possible to make all the Mouse Clicking into a keybind. What I mean is this -- when giving DOFFS to the Fleet, as it…
Hello Everyone. I found this thread while looking for info on where to find R&D Mats. I have also joined the R&D_Trade Channel in-game. My handle is @matok1971
I have often wondered why some people can ALWAYS get the max of 200 Dilithium Ore per mine node and others can not. I myself get the max bonus about 95% of the time on 3 toons. (1 Starfleet, 1 Fed-Romulan, and a KDF Player) After watching a friend and talking to others, I think I know why this happens. Many people keep…
Hello All, I have a question about the monthly stipend. Where will I have to look for the monthly stipend once it is delivered. Will it be delivered in-game - like getting ZEN from the Dilithium Exchange - or will it be delivered on my account page - like the way ZEN is delivered when doing a survey or buying one of…
I have two missions now in my mission log from the Borg Invasion that I can not turn in, also I have noticed this on the Tour the Universe Event. Although this might not be a bug - I feel it is - I have noticed that the Foundry Missions are missing a lot of what was there last week. I mean both in the SPOTLIGHT missions…
Hello, My question is about Dilithium Ore and Refined Dilithium. As a gamer I know that those that work on game development have to keep the player-based economy under control. I also know that you would prefer that players purchase the ZEN and use that to exchange for Refined Dilithium. This is great for those that can…
Hello, I have a question that is somewhat bothering me. I have a maxed level toon on the Federation Side. At this moment I have enough Dilithium Ore to give me 11 Days of Refined Dilithium at the current cap of refining Dilithium. (8,000 per 24 hours) My question is this, since there are a lot of toons that at maxed level…