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martinihenrie Arc User



  • Same, have been using W10 just fine for several builds.
  • Any news? STo not finding out why it's handling like a bag of bolts then?
  • Yup, have to agree. Of all the ground missions I did for my Deltas this was the one I looked forwards too most.
  • It's not just me then, lately I've not been making turns in my Fleet Arbiter that I felt I was easily doing a week ago. Was considering throwing on an RCS, something I've not needed since I first started using the t5 Avenger
  • BSGO was a great time soaker a few years ago, but one faction was fairly ignored and then became massively outnumbered and then any slight ship advantage they had to combat the numbers game was nerfed due to cry babies and the game just about died and server mergers have been happening ever since. Saying that, PVP on STo…
  • As a player who can only get on for long periods irregularly, I find that my short sessions give me just enough of everything to run a full list of tons, even if some of them don't get consistent use beyond refining dil. Changing the limits would indeed cause a market crash, and anyone who makes the case otherwise are…
  • I got the trait when I got the tier 6 destroyer leveled up. You have to use it to get the trait, same as the summer gift ship.
  • I can't but join the chorus about the Fed and Kink ships, nasty, but the Rommy one is nice. It's a shame as these were the only T6 ships I was waiting for, the other types left me a tad flat and considering I'm not a power player who has to Pokemon all the ships i feel a tad let down. Surely they must look to evolving ship…
  • The problem is less dps than the person behind it. With advanced queues, it's more about knowing which targets to shoot at and which to ignore. An in game dps test would be interesting for those who want to know their output without resorting to third party shtick. Shouting at the ignorant does nobody any favours.
  • I'm getting the same issue, random crashes with no warning starting with low frequency increasing to several an hour now. 1 in 3 crashes my pc so hard I have to do a hard reset. Everything is updated etc etc. Frustrated because I don't normally have a great deal of time to sink on the game and when I do (now) it's borked...
  • Isn't that like complaining that the Klingon faction doesn't make enough money while not giving it a fair amount of resources to have the same quality as the Feds enjoy? Most MMo games that I've enjoyed from both sides have had equal treatment. I prefer the game play on the Kink side, but I'm peeved at the lack of genuine…
  • No. The service channels are there to help those who do not have the time to devote to the game get good gear. Not everyone can play the game regularly and keep their place in large fleets. That said, it would be inconceivable that you wouldn't be able to get op tier gear at your fleet base in some fashion. A case of pre…
  • Hmmm, ok this is wierd. I just changed my network connection to wireless instead of direct and the game now works. I have just checked my network adapter and it's all upto date. Why would a direct link cause an issue when technically it should be faster?
  • Tried and failed. Is there any specific hardware issue that might be causing the problem? My laptop loads up no problem, and is much less powerful that my tower pc.
  • The new UI for doffs is garbage. Important info is tiny, selecting officers is completely stupid as used doffs are not greyed out or removed from being double chosen. Doffing at clusters is still, it's a pain in the butt to keep going backwards and forwards if you need to replicate anything. Nothing that hasn't been said…
  • I sure this has been mentioned many times, but there are plenty of fleets that will allow players access to top of the line gear, works nicely for the anti social. I will agree that small fleets or groups of friends are doomed to a massive grind if they choose not to have a massive fleet behind them. I would like to see…
  • I'm having the same issue with a Jem'Hadar stuck in my bag, tried the suggestions from support to no effect. Sad Panda :(
  • I love the pugnacious lines of the avenger personally.
  • How about we just give everyone access to all the ships without making new characters? I know, while we are at it we could make all the races exactly the same, save on graphics by making every one fly coloured cubes... While STo isn't perfect, you'd fek it up a lot more with this ignorant plan.
  • While I agree that some may just charge through the content to get the rewards, there is a good chance that by making the foundry an alternative to the regular grinds a larger segment of players will find more interesting missions to do. I really enjoyed the starter missions, the first few times, and will be searching my…
  • From personal experience the Dyson shield is too thin to make a good tanking boat. Yeah the procs are nice but unless you waste consoles on boosting the size of the shild you will be taking hull damage all the time, even with a pair of tac teams on rotation and two epts rotating too. I use the two piece borg and fleet…
  • I'm not sure if this is connected with the issues you guys arw having, but I have recently run into an issue with the loadouts. I am leveling a sci officer and bought him a new ship and transfered all the gear across and then dismissed the old leveling ship. What I have now is all my gear greyed out and attributed to the…
  • Sorry to rewind the thread a few pages, but I take issue with this. So your favourite build is flakey for this mission, boo hoo. I fly an Avenger which is neither sci, cruiser or tank but I can aggro a pile of them and not have the hull problems you are. The biggest problem is that we are a few days into the event, and I…
  • Well, there has been a lot of calles throughout the forum for more difficult content, but I'm not going to attribute blame for that anywhere. What I will say is that the mirror event stf is a very welcome addition and I wish it was going to be permanent. What the requires is teamwork, which on an mmo like this is rare. I…
  • The bottom row on the dyson rep panel allows you to hand in implants. As for the artillery sections, they are dead easy for an engineer. Have two tac officers with you and the bunker kit. Deploy a turret just in range and let it and your two redshirts to aggro the both. Turn off the the gen and then mop up. Rinse and…
  • Thanks for your input, but I disagree with your point of view, the potential for greater profit from sliding scales of fleet size is there, the more tier 5 fleets there are the more !money can be made from fleet modules and dilithium sales from those who are currently locked out by the system in hand. I'm open to debate as…
  • So in your world everyone needs to run in a large fleet that has, for some, little attraction? What about small groups of friends who want to keep their fleet personal? Personally I belong to a large fleet which is great, and can get things done at a fair clip. I also belong to a tiny 4 man fleet which has no chance of…
  • Mr Stewart has a wry sense of humor if FB is to be believed...