This point you made was one of the first to be raised and answered on this thread. The dish isn't blocked or obscured. It is merely moulded around the secondary hull. Other STO designs like the Manticore Heavy Destoyer and the Pathfinder…
Thanks very much for that link primar13, I submitted some of my artwork there, so we'll see! In the meantime, I've done a short animation of the Lakota. It's a very short and simple flyby, but it's my first ever animation so I'm pretty pleased with it.
Thanks! I just really liked the name Lakota but I could easily name another ship of the class as Iowa. The background story for this ship had the original Lakota destroyed in the Iconian war.
Thanks deaftravis05, appreciate that. I've been working on a new feature for the ship, in order to give it a bit more of an advantage in combat situations. I liked the concept of the Prometheus' 'Multi-Vector Assault Mode' but I always questioned the validity of how practical it would be. What if one of the sections were…
I've also made a bridge to go with the ship, based on a sketch made by John Eaves for the Star Trek Renegades fan series. Here's the original sketch: And here are a few shots of the Lakota's bridge:
Ok, so in trying to take some of the constructive criticism parts out of previous comments, I've done a couple more renders with some home improvements. I've been playing around with the textures a bit, the new skin is more akin to something found on STO... Also I've been working on the deflector dish. It's now slightly…
It's a multi role ship. Good at science, but can kick TRIBBLE when it has to. Think of the original Lakota from DS9's Paradise Lost episode. I'm sure that was able to do all the good sciencey stuff like any other Excelsior class ship, but it had a lot of extra punch for a ship of it's class.
Thanks, that's good advice! It's okey, I totally get it. And let's face it, us Trekkies are a pretty varied bunch and trying to please everyone is an exercise in futility (kind of like resistance - lol).
Cool, well thanks for your input too. I'm kinda wondering if anyone here is actually going to say something positive about it, but hey, that's the nature of putting your art out there for everyone to critique. It's kind of a shame really that the feedback here has been so negative. I've posted it elsewhere and loads of…
Well I don't think that there's justification for the design I could make that would change your opinion on it. You're obviously not keen on it so it is what it is. Thanks for your imput though.
Of course you're entitled to your opinion, and I thank you for it. As I said, I wanted to develop the look of the E-B into a more modern ship class. I'm sure that I could make those changes that you suggested, but then I feel that it would just be another Sovie lookalike.
> @javaman1969 said: > aliendejour wrote: » > > javaman1969 wrote: » > > A "Wrath Of Khan" excursion jacket. So, I can stay warm at the winter event. > > > > > Or the excursion jackets from the original pilot? Those looked good and warm. > > > > > I like the jacket that the Starfleet Security guy who Mccoy tried to the the…