Regarding a new faction, adding Terran Empire over/before Cardies or even Dominion is NOT something I would like to see. That being said, everything else mentioned here stands, but, I would still like to see a new engine and more factions, even if it is a pipe dream.....
Wait... I just realized smth.... who won versions 1.0 & 2.0? Are they now on vacation like in Schwarzie's Running Man ? Can we meet them? Can I haz autographed nude pics?
I actually do not mind the design, I do not like it particularly either, but it is just fine as it is, and I think there will be few interesting combos....
> @odinforever20000 said: > > Keep in mind we have npcs who use there own reflect abilities..Borg Diamond and Voth..Terrans with their Vesta kenetic Shield...The best answer to not getting killed be those reflects is still don't shoot or use an alternate weapon type. Yes, you are completely right, but, those are NPCs and…
Oh, two topics on a same subject :) Maybe a merge, or for those that wear tin foil hats.... content removal disguised in the merge? Well this one is more civil I guess, so time to drag it down :wink: "WHY YOU HAZ NOT ANSWERED CRYPTIC???????"
@dhopper Foundry/IOR had bad rep but it truly is a thing of the past, dilithium now soars due to Admiralty, not the Foundry and its measly rewards.... ....but still, you and everyone else here is 100% right, and a straight answer would really put people at ease, one way or another.
Breaking the planet maybe needs a bit of an update since it is toooooo easy atm, but, still it is one of the most interesting and unique ground ques available. It would have a ton of added potential if it would feature 2 opposing teams.
I would love to see a decent mixture of PvP/PvE ground goals. A wet dream of mine is Breaking the planet mechanic/type of mission with two opposing teams. It would surely bring a lot of life back to ground PvP/PvE.
FBP & "Stop shooting" while other guy is still dishing out full damage is one of the most preposterous "counters" out there. Luckily for the OP (and sadly for PvP in general), it is still pretty low on the list of PvP kinks that need to be ironed out.