Your post is illogical. You say can't you find 10 mins a day to login to do something. Yes I could find 10 mins a day to login and do something but now when I do there is no bonus event to participate in because there are no more bonus events during weekdays. Yes I'm a father and have a full time job. With hourly events at…
I am disappointed with this. I'm sure people that have no jobs or family will spend all weekend farming but the hourly events worked fine for the rest of the people that had other things to worry about. Past 2 weeks I haven't been involved in a single event. Now the weekend is here with bonus TRIBBLE but weekends are…
Thank you for the kind words. For those that may still be lost on how to use the keybinds or lack the will to search what all the lines mean below is a short description of how I use the buttons on the controller. SPACE CONTROLS X, Y and B buttons are Slots 1, 2 and 3 on Row 1 X, Y and B buttons are Slots 4, 5 and 6 on Row…
I kept Ground Keybinds very similar to the Space ones. This should make the controls feel familiar when switching between space and ground. There are very slight differences. Additional Notes: - As mentioned before, very similar to space buttons with slight variances, a fair amount of spare buttons remaining on directional…
hey all, after trying numerous keybinds others have posted then configuring and tweaking my own setup, I have concocted what I feel is an intuitive, easy to remember configuration for anyone that wants to play with an xbox controller. Beware, once you try this config you will never want to return to keyboard and mouse…
No, just pointing out what some people would call a flaw and ruining the non-jj trek universe since people seem to bash JJ's version of it needlessly. Personally I love the t-rexes and the velociraptors but when I mentioned to my colleague about the new season content he was baffled and I quote "what the heck are they…
Game works fantastic with a controller. I recently set it up and have been tweaking the controls as I go along but I don't know how I could ever play this with keyboard and mouse again. Space and Ground combat is just so much more enjoyable with control pad.
Hello, I've been configuring and readjusting the configuration on my xbox controller past few days. I have almost everything bound to the control pad with exception of interaction windows I don't know the commands for. Is anyone willing to help out with following questions: 1. I know "InteractWindow" allows you to map a…
I have been away from the game for past 3 months. I just returned to find I still have 1500 Zen (same as I had before I took a break). Why am I not receiving Zen for the past three months? Do you have to actively login to continue getting monthly zen with lifetime memberships I don't understand?
Well it seemed all well after the patch but after a short while of play the connection deteriorated again. Here's hoping for the second 'patch' to fix things...
well another day gone by and it seems to have gotten worse. Game is completely unplayable now with everything teleporting everywhere. Hopefully tonight's patch fixes this issue otherwise this is unplayable.
This is affecting Australia too. started approximately 24 hours from now and there is constant packet loss in game. npcs just teleport around, ships teleport around and animations don't play. Been playing the game nearly 2 months and this only cropped up yesterday. Completely unenjoyable trying to play like this.
This fixed itself after I spent more points on my character skills. It seems the abilities were not granted to me because I hadn't spent enough points in skills for that rank level. As soon as I spent enough skill points I received the abilities automagically. This will teach me to stop hoarding skill points :)
I agree with OP. Due to lack of these immersive elements that make your crew feel part of a greater whole I stopped playing my romulan char. It feels like a bunch of mercenaries doing random stuff rather than an organised crew with set uniforms. Everyone wears whatever they want ranging from ripped jeans to wife-beaters on…
Same problem here. When I go to customise ship and only change values like ship bridge or ship interior to another option that is available and free it asks me for Zen. I can understand ship bridges with zen value attached but the seemingly free ones are bugged.
Something I didn't figure out until I was 40+ On ground missions you can enable auto-fire and right click an ability to have autofire on it instead of spamming one button or using FPS mode. You will mow down enemies by the truckloads with this setting. You need to enable ingame options first before you can right click…
Only an automated response. Said they're too overburdened with horde of tickets and won't be able to respond in the standard 2 day response time. I tried again after work (off peak time in U.S.) and the registration worked for me so I closed the ticket. Try registering again when servers aren't flooded with players is all…
I'm new to this game but would like to purchase lifetime membership. Is there a restriction to when new players can make credit card transactions? It won't update my account :(
I'm having this problem as well. Irritating part is the process charges a transaction fee to my credit card but won't charge the lifetime subscription fee and not update my account. Raised a ticket which got auto knocked back because the bots thought it was log in issue. I raised another ticket to billing this time.…