I miss those days. It felt good to earn your gear rather than have it handed to you by manipulating a slider. Most of the people on my friends list were acquired during these times, either I or they would send out a friend request during one of these STF's because we liked what we seen in their play style. And by play…
Smirk, the pimpcoat is the most sought after clothing item on the KDF side. We have been drooling for it ever since we seen it sported by all the NPC's on Qo'Nos. If Cryptic wasn't so out of touch with the redside they would already know this. Cryptic could make a mint selling it in the c-store. Now on to the Hunting…
I support a 3 tier disco tech thingy in 1st City. And I like the idea of a Syndicate ran rave club in the basement. I recently watched that old movie "The Vikings", the one with Kirk Douglas in it, and I would like to see added to the club some contest of martial skills such as knife/axe throwing. Maybe we could hang an…
That's a great idea! The KDF forum has been repeatedly bombarded with requests for some type of hunt where you could track, stalk, and kill a critter. It was also requested to be able to mount a trophy and craft a uniform item with the skin/fur/carapace etc. I would suggest that like real hunting you have a chance of…
In truth I'd have been better off just following your advise. I didn't make any headway with anything I said even with the proof right before his eyes.
Well to be honest I thought the person flying the defiant was a kid, my reasoning behind that is I couldn't see an adult private messaging me out of the blue to tell me that. So I replied back not wanting to be too rude to a youngster who didn't know better. Being a kid they may not have known their comment was rude, they…
I agree with everything you have stated and believe Cryptic would make more money by diversifying the ships to match playable races. This is just a guess here because I don't rightly remember when we had these ships released to the c-store but I'm guessing the sales weren't so good because the majority of the ships were…
I recently ran into a DPS guy but he wasn't necessarily rude or obnoxious. It was during a Hive Onslaught run normal difficulty, He was a Fed player running a beam boat cruiser and spamming BFAW (I don't think he had any torps slotted). Funny thing is he never really actaully killed anything but managed to pi$$ off every…
True two wrongs don't make a right but I'm not so sure the Feds having ships from their lineup of races is wrong. While we got a big picture of the lives and operation of a federation ship crew we only got a glimpse into the ST universe as a whole. And while I liked the TV shows and movies some of what we have that is…
I have been playing on the red side since before there were any missions available to us, all we had was pvp to lvl. Yes we do get the short end of the stick when it comes to content as far as how much and how often but some of what we do have is far superior to anything the blue side has. Ships - While our BoP's and…
You could be right as to the reason why we don't see many species specific ships on the blue side except for the fact they did make three already. And why stop at three and why only make them available at VA rank? If you're gonna break the "golden canon rule" three times why not 6, 7, 8? Personally I find it more canon and…
Those are the only ones I could find as well and they are not available to the player until VA rank. While the Feds may get more content we KDF players get better content. As I stated in my original post I was able to purchase a Nausicaan ship at almost every rank of play so I agree its just another reason that makes the…
In the middle ages weapons weren't widely available to the common class of people and this is true in Asian counties as well and particularly in Japan. Only nobles and fighting men of nobles could own and openly carry weapons. The peasantry would've been lucky to own a hunting bow and knife and that's about it, poor…
If you're going to buy food you may as well get something to cook it with. A disruptor pistol is the Klingon version of the redneck barbeque, just remember to set your pistol on the lowest setting to prevent disintergrating your targ steak.
Here's the Klingon version. It contains some flaws. Women, kids, and animals bugging me at inopportune times tends to make me mess up. Also it was the first one I made so I learned a few things from making it that helped smooth the process of making the Orion one. This one is for you Klingon fans.…
Thanks for the compliments folks. I had a lot of fun making the Orion harp and enjoyed the challenge of designing it. Like many of the Star trek races there isn't much to go on as far as cultural items so I incorprorated some of the designs of the ships and clothing into the harp. Basically it is an item to help flesh out…
I modeled it after the musical instument Charles Napier used in the epsiode "The Way to Eden" So it would be played in a similiar fashion as he played the prop in that episode. As for how it operates as far as Star Trek tech is concerned, I'm assuming it utilizes a harmonic field that duplicates what an electric guitar's…
Thanks for the link. I didn't see this ship on the main web page where they show cased the raptor. I knew we were getting one but didn't know the name and hadn't seen what it looked like or its stats. I have to say it is a really cool looking vessel and looks very much Klingon. I believe you are right when you stated the…
You forgot to mention the two weapons we get from the Borg rep, the Klingon battle rifle and the Klingon pulse rifle with the grenade launcher. Those two weapons are the coolest looking in the whole game and make what the Feds get look like a cardboard cut out with a empty toilet paper roll. And I agree our missions seem…
Oh yes it did! We killed them time and time again in the pvp queues. We also vented our frustrations on them in Kerrat and Otha, always outnmbered 5-10 to 1 and we still slaughtered them. The only problem with this is it gave rise to the myth that the KDF was OP and specifically our BoP's. The flimsiest ship in the fleet…
Yep its pretty disgusting how the Feds get pandered to. I really hate that all the unique faction specific content is getting shared across the board. Each faction should have its own specific content that lends a different style of play to make them diverse. If they keep going Cryptic is going to have to rename this game…
I too will support the KDF by buying the T6 ships.The KDF is the only faction I enjoy. I try palying the blue side but it feels too uncomfortable over there, its too squeeky clean and has that awful antiseptic smell along with the rank odor of superiority. And I don't feel nearly as powerful over there, I like going into…
Back in the 24th century the Borg were nigh unstoppable but the game starts us off in the 25th century. Quite some time has passed since the TNG/DS9/Voyager era, Worf has aged considerably, and I imagine technological advances have outpaced the times. I'm fairly certain the Feds, Klingons, Romulans, etc. have been working…
Playing patty-cake in the sand doesn't match my idea of fun nor my KDF toons "rollseyes". I can't think of one time I've went on vacation and built a sandcastle. Snorkling, scuba diving, fishing, jet skiing, spear gunning, & hunting are some of the activities I usually do. It would be nice if Cryptic would add some more…