I saw a youtube video by Brent Justice from this year. I saw 2 beaches from the promenade towards the resort to be used for the castles. Last year the beach on the other side of the promenade could be used as well. I will try the accolades outside of the bonus time. I guess the area will be less crowded then.
Yep. I fear the same. I still have to stand it when somebody places a disco ball at the starting area of the board race. I'm not going ti spend money on a nerf device. I expect cryptic to nerf any disruptive influence and to punish anybody who disturbs the peace. They can shut down the abilities completely. Thus it should…
We had more traits from the rep system before. It got nerfed and limited to 5 per ground and space. I don't think that they will give us some more again. It might be against their metrics.
Whenever you finish / level / get something, check your Delta menue. You will see if that will give you rewards. Some of those rewards will be bound to reaching certain levels (claiming the fleet rewards your toon has to be level 30 for example).
Especially if you understand it the way I do it: each faction has their SPECIAL tutorial. I did not want to run a risk and thus I COMPLETED the full tutorial.
Believe it or not, those delta benefits aren't really that great. And if you followed the forums on that, you might have read that after doing the missions you are stuck at about level 53 and you need to grind for the delta missions again. The benefits for other players during the event have been nice but not overwhelming.…
So listen to that quote again: Once a Delta Recruit completes their special Tutorial and receives their Tesseract Communications Device If I read that, I conclude that the tutorial must be finished. And I mention the exact points when they are finished. Maybe you can think different, but I would advice you to do as I…
The tutorial for all factions has 2 Delta cutscenes. One right at the beginning and the other one early into the tutorial. Fed: Tutorial ends when you are send to Admial Quinn. Just in front of his office the temporal agent needs to be talked to. Then talk to Quinn. KDF: Tutorial ends when you shall talk to the Chancelor.…
I don't do crafting (the old system didn't give any valuable stuff beside the Aegis set; the new system does not work for casual players) or upgrading (made one attempt). Crafting and upgrading needs special Doffs and rare materials. You have to do STF's (all of them) because the materials are fixed to them. It takes so…
Use all ignore options available (games and social platforms mostly offer such options). Keep your private info private. If it cannot be contained or spills over to reallife, consider harassment charges. There are quite some "civilized" countries which have sufficient laws to get police and lawyers to work on this.…
According my knowledge of this forums, they don't like questions asked from their people. And if something is not working, it's a bug and the name of the bug should be part of the title. Thus you did anything wrong, which you could do wrong. IMHO
If they would not have made the discount, the people would run the event jobs just about as much as before. BTW I wait until I see which event ships I can claim for my Delta recruits. There is still a lot of time until the winter event, I don't take or give any warranty for or against any solution for that ships. I wait…
And that is, what according to IMHO will reduce participation in the future. If you don't know that you can spend enough time to do the 25 runs necessary during an event, you won't even start it. And I believe that there are enough people whose reallife might interfere right in the middle of doing runs - those will…
I know. I got my 3 Breen ships that way. 25 runs on the icy slope for 3 chars on several accounts and 3 runs for each alt. Looks like I yanked up the metrics for the last winter event a lot = 715 successful runs + 48 missed runs (40 missed runs because of bugs or technical issues). That way I earned 600 photos on some…
Breen ships are from the winter event. It's just not the time to ask for that, if the summer event is not yet flying. I guess their reasoning about events and "exclusivity" will not be bound to the Risa event alone. It is no secret that the winter event works the same way. After the thunderstorm in their "retirement"…
Like somebody said prior in this thread: I like to collect things in this game. And it's no wonder, most MMOs are offering to collect things. But I make a difference: I decide how much "work" I'll put in to get things and I decide which things I like to aquire. There have been major differences in the offerings. -…
I have no information that would be pointing to anybody anywhere, who might be responsible. If I would have gotten it on other mail-accounts, I would not be worried and I would not post here. But that I get these messages on such mail-accounts with such a restricted usage that is worrying me. I don't imply something, but…
1 - It's a SF game. There are not that many available. Although there are references to TV shows and movies, you can do without. If it's fun? Well, that depends on you. I don't know what is fun for you. 2 - Fedearation is the best developed faction: outfits, ships, ... almost anything is in higher stock than the other…
The stand that somebody has on a certain topic or attitude, will never concern me. If the person wants to impress their opinions on me, that is of concern for me. Freedom is personal. Your freedom stops as soon as it involves somebody else's freedom. That is easy. The annonimity in Internet (although it is not that big…
For me its not valuable. I don't need that. And BTW your estimated time is way off the real time needed for it. @all I collect ships. Not because they are shiny, not because I want to show off, just because they are there. Some of those are still boxed. (Because the toon doesn't have the level for it or because I was busy…
Such a conversion would be more satisfying for me than the other options are. I'm not crafting or upgrading (to many resources needed and lost and to much grind / work for me). There is no fun in that for me. I'll get the specification points anyway while playing, why should I spend other resources on that. Favors would…
@gavinruneblade I assure you that I have a bunch of other mail-accounts with that specific provider. It seems reasonably unlikely that I receive that special ads only on the few accounts that are reserved for playing STO. In my country we have laws against that kind of thing (although a law is NO safeguard against…
Maybe. But it is a very serious security breech, if they sell login-data for a game where you can put money in. The email-account is just one half of the login. There is a reason why you see only a handle and NOT the mailname ingame.
Maybe, but this "exploit" has been planned, released and improved by cryptic. We were simply using it. Of course there had been special limited offerings like the anniversary ships, like some tribbles or more, but we always KNEW of the temporary nature of those things and nobody complained and all accepted it. This one is…
Sorry, but you get it wrong. During the events they gave us something and they made it intentionally that way. We could slot those ships for years and we could get it for a discount later. That have been their gifts. (I was told as a young boy "a gift is a gift and taking it back is stealing".) Well now they yell "it has…