Ok, thank you. Will try that later, because I am on limited connection these days and disabling on-demand patching would probaby download a large amount of data. Best regards, /_uke
Experiencing severe lag and prolonged server not responding episodes in southern Europe since yesterday. At times it is impossible to play, the game hangs completely during/after loading areas. Switching to EU proxy improved the situation, eliminating nearly all server not responding episodes. 1: Time: Occurs usually…
Yes, actually we can exchange our epohhs with Greelan on Drozana (near the dabo table), but still no reward for Cherry. I hope the devs get in gear and fix it asap. Regards, Adm. Lurak
Could it be deliberate? Was the episode supposed to be removed in today's maintenance, or just have the weekly rewards disabled? Live long and prosper, Adm. Lurak
This bug seems to affect other types of assignments, too. I exchanged DOFFs and got one different from what initially reported in the assignment outcome. If it's just a random re-roll, it doesn't make any difference in the end, anyway I hope it's fixed ASAP. Bye, Adm. Lurak
Same issue for me. Two pass tokens in critical reward, but only one collected. One pass token and none collected. It seems the game counts one less token than indicated or replaces it with a random item. :/ Bye, Adm. Lurak
Just to be sure, is it the same for ships acquired as giveaway? I assume that every ship listed as "Available" in the Zen market can be discharged and reclaimed later. 'Cause right now I need a slot for the Ferengi Warship. :*
The event official presentation says: "Any leftover Risian Lohlunat Pearls you have can be spent in the Summer Buyback store (available from your Event Reputation screen), but they can no longer be used in Reputation projects after June 4" Which implies (I hope) that the buyback store is permanent, until I have pearls left…
Hi, after the upgrade, expired exchange sales in my mail appear with a blank icon and cannot be retrieved. Probably those items were already expired during the upgrade. Can't say what they are, because they are also missing a description. Do you think they can ever be recovered? :( At the moment I removed other items on…
I encountered the same error with ntdll.dll starting on December 10, i.e. when the winter event was deployed. In my specific case, that doesn't affect gameplay, because the fault occurs only when I exit the game. I run the game on a laptop Dell Latitude E5430 with Intel graphics chipset and Windows 7. The game has been…
I encountered a similar issue. I have a Scarf Decorated and a Scarf Patterned. I bought a standard Scarf (KDF) that appears in the preview as a 3-stripes model, but the game says I can have only one of a unique item when I try to open it. Will that be fixed? Thank you, /_urka
Yes, the stash of crates in the north-east alley is bugged, it won't be counted. This has been going on for a month. And sometimes desert creatures stop spawning 30-40 seconds before timer expiration.
They could at least code smart bots that read the instructor's requests and leave the dance floor until next session. :rolleyes: And I thought I had to follow the dance instructor's directives exactly in the given order, but apparently I can just throw in random moves until I get the right one. That contest is really an…
Neither for me, since the deployment of LoR. And I have 9 fragments still occupying my inventory. :mad: Is it so hard to fix? Or maybe was the related mission removed? :confused: This is illogical...:cool: VAdm Lurak
Hi all, back again on this thread. With more focus on healing and buff, the durability of my ship has improved. DPS still sucks, though. :( In STF there are people who blow up a cube before I can get in firing range. :eek: I'm working for reputation, but collecting marks for all the neat stuff is a long process... :P What…
Got the same problem with a Borg red alert. Hail button is grayed out and pop-up description says I have to get into the map to collect the reward. Are we supposed to do it before leaving the red alert map? Thank you, VAdm Lurak
Do those flawed items work according to the modifiers in the name or the stats in the description? Or don't they work at all? :rolleyes: Thank you, VAdm Lurak
Hi, thank you again for your cooperation. After hearing your opinions, i divided the last 18,000 skill point as follows: 9,000 Auxiliary Performance 4,000 electro-plasma Systems 3,000 Subsystems Repair 2,000 Weapons Training You can see the final build here:…
Thank you for your advice. I made some changes to Boff skills, now I have: - EP to Shields I - Aux to SIF II - 2 x Tactical Team I - Torpedo HY II - Jam Sensors I - Transfer Shield Strength II - Hazard Emitters III - Gravity Well III - Polarize Hull I - Science Team II - Tachyon Beam III Which is 8 heal/buff and 4…
Thank you for your replies. I posted the entire layout on this new link: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=luraktestbuild02_3525 I planned a final skill point distribution. I can't respec points already assigned, so I opted to give the last 18,000 points to some low rank skills, as suggested by pwstolemyname: 3…