Hey Everyone! I have read up on this main story on cbs.com according to what I have read it will be run on cbs in US first run then pushed to online for everyone else be happy we are finally getting a new series!
Been wanting this to happen for a long time since leveling 55 - 60 take awhile so leveling will be much easier now and also glad season 11 will be out Oct 27th!
Maintenance Engineer Reporting - Today we begin maintenance on ship systems but we don't know how long it will take. Ships Computer said 3 1/2hrs to complete and my original thought 12hrs but my assistant said he can do it in 9hrs. I guess he is a Miricle Worker but I guess time will tell.
Well yesterday it said 6a to 9:30a today 6a to 3p and arc says 6a to 6p so I guess we don't really know how long? Well at least we made Tier 2 on Galactic Restoration Week 1 way to go people keep it up.
Hi everyone, I was playing just fine today tonight i get disconnected then as i re log in i get fatel error modifiying .hogg file err#530 and wont let me log in any help would be great.