Although, losing business is no guarantee that a company learn from mistakes, A&P is a perfect example, they once had 4500 stores in the US and now they are under 200, and even when consultants show them why they are failing, they fire the head shed and fail some more.
'Stability update' is Cryptic code for "We need to do maintenance tonight at prime time, institute the crash at 7:30 PM EDT protocol. :) I am glad to see things are being fixed; however, I am disappointed that in a launch this hyped basic things like mail which have been working for 3 years got bugged.
Yeah, If I wanted to be force fed bad companion dialogue I would play SWTOR. Bad move cryptic. Story is about me and MY bridge officers, not some guy you saddle me with. I so want to get to 50 and pray there is an unlock to delete him that I am just skipping his dialogue. I have tried to ignore the constant down times, but I just watched a team of guys at my work do ten times the coding that this would require and produce a flawless role out with a single beta tester and no development server. Cryptic, you guys really have no idea what you are doing.
God forbid they actually do some decent QC before they launch a patch when they have all this free labor to do it for them. Same here, unable to log in, unknown reason. I am at least now aftr 3 years making other plans on evenings of days where they do a patch or any type of change. :mad:
Epic time counting fail. The announcement box on the launcher says 13th. Might want to qc that stuff as I was mid mission thinking the down time was tommorow.
Seriously? Server crashed again? I have alot of patience with this game as I have both a lifetime sub and i have put three years into it, but come on, for the love of Surak, try and keep the servers up for a week solid.
The Fleet matches now autoscale people from lower to higher levels so all levels can be in a match; however, a Miranda may do level 50 damage when scaled, but they are doing level 50 damage with a single forward beam/cannon, while a Tier 5 Cruiser is using 4 fore facing weapons.
Well, glad to see a voice for the opposing side, let me sum up the opinion, "I hope Cryptic doesn't eliminate my leaching because I like to leach." Makes sense.
No, its not about the loot drops. Yes, I can get better and I have no issue with a contributing member needing on everything, but when you fly a Miranda in, you are by defenition, not helping, and taking a slot from soneone who could help.
Yes, that is true I have also seen that. I once saw a guy fly his shuttle in, which is the ultimate statement of, "I just plan on leaching, have at it."
Well, way back three years ago in closed beta the up down plane was about 15%, so what we have now is worlds better, but i will tell you true ship movement was brought up in closed beta three years ago and it is still not here, so I am guessing the chance is zero.