Well, I managed to get a glimpse of the new ESD and I have to say: I really love it. It looks astonishing (altough, of course, you see it's work in progress in some places). One thing though: Some windows are looking too transparent (e.g. the windows of the new tailor location). Sometimes you don't see if there's glass or…
Well I tested the New Romulus Ground Missions too for about a hour and a half. My first thought was: "Nice, finally STO feels like some kind of MMO". Really good work there Cryptic. The missions and the map need some additional tweaks though. For example the "Dynamic Missions" that will appear: They need some kind of PopUp…
I've never downloaded a 10 GB patch for this game. Right now (latest patch here on my Laptop) is about 110 MB, while it's patching 509 MB. People need to realize, that the patch maybe 500 MB, but you're not downloading 500 MB. You're downloading far less then the launcher is patching (due to compression, etc.). But going…