UPDATE : yup, problem solved. Force verify found nothing wrong and game ran just like it always did, never even lost my settings. Did my daily grind, exited game, and relaunched a few times never seeing the patcher loop again. Issue RESOLVED. Tell Cryptic I won't bill them for the two hours it took ME to fix this.
Probably related : I still use the standalone launcher (NON-ARC) and I remembered I still had an intact launcher in my windows 7 install, so I copied it over the W10 patcher install, and it works- launches FAST like it used to, got me to the login screen, then patched the game files. Seems like a reinstall of JUST the…
Yes, I've watched it time out almost a dozen times over the last 3 days, so letting it loop isn't a solution- it's luck that it managed to fix itself. As for uninstalling and reinstalling the game- IF the patcher cannot patch itself, how do you think it's going to patch the game after you've wiped the 50 or gigabytes from…
PLEASE DO ! I've been waiting YEARS for this. YEARS ! IMHO 'Official' notifications should always be posted on the 'official' website first, then reposted in social media.
Whats the story with the patcher ? I've been unable to connect for 3 days now because the patcher is stuck in an update loop. I don't want to lose ANOTHER event grand prize because of a broken patch. PLEASE FIX THIS !
:smile: You're right, I forgot to forget that 'we' traveled back in time multiple times by a hundred or so thousands years and violated the prime directive quite a few times in those instances, AFTER the starting date your character gets created.
"Why would they, we're one big happy fleet now" What icon did you get ? Shouldn't it be an Alliance icon ? I'm actually curious, seriously. I have 7 Klingon characters and haven't been enticed enough to create one of them 'klingon recruits' yet.
For a while I was naming my ships after movie stars who got caught by papperazi during wardrobe malfunctions, but started to feel guilty after naming one of my fleet cruisers Anne Hathaway.
What a freekin joke- I setup W10 in another partition, link the launcher to the STO folder in the W7 partition and I solve the W10 nanny message but still get the "you wont be able to play after 2-15 because your GPU is TRIBBLE" message. I then remove the drivers and W10 installs it own generic video driver and STO…
Ewwww, you let a freeware tool mess around in your registry because you were too cheap and bought the home version of windows that didn't come with the MS tool to mess up your registry ? You're a brave soul.
Dunno if it's related but the floor EVERYWHERE flickers between black and patterned. I noticed it about a month ago in the sphere ground zone but have been noticing it in every social zone and almost all missions. It's like 2 textures are overlayed on each other or the normals are inverting.
*claps loudly Well said, sir. The last time they did this (XP-W7) I noted the same wonky behavior, in fact they even had a bug detecting my 'new' GPU compliance that blocked me from playing for over a month while a major event was going on, and robbing me of the 'prize' for the event. I suspected this new OS requirement…
Basically it looks to me like PW is forcing us to run the console port on win10's xbox emulator. Why else would they require a HARDWARE and OS upgrade to run a Windows XP game ? Since I have the drivespace to setup a W10 'dual boot' partition the only issue other that this is a GIANT PITA to run an ancient game is I have…
Ya, STO cannot be canon since the Klingon homeworld still exists where the Romulan one doesn't. In the game Praxis never exploded (per mainline canon) and Romulus is gone via the Iconians instead of the Romulan sun going nova (kelvin timeline canon).
Aakar's soul is already IN Gre'thor and J'Ula tried to make a deal with the Fek'lhr to get him out but he chose to remain behind- likely to make his own deal with the Fek'lhr for J'Ula soul and the head office.
J'mpok and Aakar will be guests of the Fek'lhr, but Aakar will make a deal and walk out of Gre'thor when J'Ula gets taken out. Knowing CBS, they'll install that puppet Worf as chancellor and a new war will start when most of the great houses follow Aakar and Worf enlists the Federation to his side.
Sigh....remember that time kael, when alot of us had that video bug that kept us from logging in for 3 weeks, and the event at the time expired before we could finish it, and we were forced to buy it out with cash or a carpload of dilith ? WE dint get no 'progress at a later date' award. :( Feelin mighty burned by sto…
No self respecting Klingon PLAYER would be caught in command of a weak federation starship and THERE ARE no self respecting Starfleet PLAYERS , they're all self centered opportunists who use the game mechanics and dev 'gifts' to win at ANY cost. Romulans are traitors by nature, so it's no surprise they work both sides of…
Thats a misleading thesis- lockbox promo ships 'costs' are artificially inflated by the gambling nature of 'winning' one by opening a box with a cash purchased key. They further inflate the value by making then a rarity item, so it's not really a waste to take a 'sure thing' T6 zen ship that can be flown by multiple…
The mission journal is swiss cheesed just like the 'official' timeline. It makes sense tho, the canon timeline has so many paradox's I don't think cryptic can keep up if they we're inclined to replicate CBS's practice.
I used to care about single toon unlocks till they murdered PvP. Wont touch em anymore since I never roll trinity toons, so if I can't share a ship between toons, it's useless to me. I also DGAF about spec seats so most of these 'newer' specialty ships are just vendor trash to me.
They made it an easy choice when they said 'lockbox prizes would only be single character unlocks', lobi and lockprizes are out. No brainer- the T6 Vor'Ral since all my toons are Klingon or Klingon allied. Possibly a termporal raider with the second T6 token.
I'm just now getting the joke- the BOFF boarding party skill launches boarding shuttles that circle the enemy ship till a shield drops then beams over a handful of marines. ...why arent those shuttles beaming over 'transporter bombs' instead ? Maybe the joke is a players boarding party sucessfully boards, then the player…
Heh, ya I noticed that last night while starting the event. The event description on the site must've been written by a lawyer or someone who learned mastery of the language from twitter instead of a university.