Well after a bunch of testing and port forwarding and ip passthrough's the only thing that has worked was bridging my router, Im not to happy about it so if anyone else is having issues get ahold of your ISP and ask them to bridge your router. Note this will disable all router functions such as nat firewall and WIFI so if…
http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/HitronTechnologies/CGN3/Star_Trek_Online.htm <___this is the page i used for setting up my router and tried the port range listed in the article previously posted but no matter what unless my ISP bridges my modem/router i can not connect regardless of port forwarding…
Update: After a long chat with my ISP the only thing that worked was my ISP bridged my router/modem and it will connect to all the servers but disables all router functions such as wifi and firewall. Port forwarding doesn't seem to work but if there was a port change I cant forward that port as i don't know which port to…
Ok I still can't see any reason for it not to connect as there are no programs blocked in my router I even (against my better judgement) disabled the firewall in my router and still nothing.Which is funny as in a ticket convo one of the techs had said he didn't think that anything like ip addresses (I'm assuming he would…
I also did try forwarding the ports listed in the post you linked but to no success. My ISP has tried a tracert on 3 separate networks using cell phones but they got the same results. I am just at a loss as to what to do. As a last ditch effort i tried installing STO on another pc just in case it was weird windows thing…
Also no worries i wasn't offended i just wanted to clarify my history of pc use and i can be a bit blunt at times. As you can see though i can patch the launcher but the client doesn't patch as the account server times out and therefore can't authenticate the client and thus the error.
here is the tracert for patchserver.crypticstudios.com Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\admin>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 7 ms 2 ms 2 ms…
All I'm saying is I know what I am doing with a pc i wouldn't have gone to the forums without trying everything possible first. What I am trying to determine is if anyone else is having the same problem as myself to determine if it has to do with just my router or ISP. I would have added the tracert i made but couldn't…
I have done all of the above mentioned, I'm not just some kid with a pc, even the tracert i have done wont connect. The launcher can update but the account server times out. I talked to my ISP, yes they have customer service that works over the weekend, they tried through 3 different network providers and got the same…