For those asking about cross-platform: For XB1, most likely no. You can thank Microsoft and their regulations for it (DCUO just came out last month on XB1 and although the rest of their currently supported platforms can play cross-platform, XB1 users have to play on their own platform, for recent reference). PS4 users just…
Listen to "Don't Worry, Be Happy". If you think that this is bad, try being a mod for the 3 PWE games all having maintenance at the same for a major expansion... That'll be enough to make you drink....
Now I'm unable to connect to the login server at all. Either they're in the process of resetting the login server to try and fix this, or that just conked out too.
STO has its own server. Provable by the fact that I am currently logged into Neverwinter but can't get into STO. I think it's an issue with retrieving character information from Holodeck.
Getting "login failed for unknown reason" error. Force go. I'm able to log into NW just fine, so I don't think it's an issue with the Cryptic login server. Perhaps something went goober between the login server and the game server? Or perhaps an authentication problem in the STO server...I dunno, just tossing…
That's your reason that you're getting the error message. That clock starts from your first post in the forum, regardless of account age or play time. Furthermore, it's specific to each forum.
They're still rolling out the update, I imagine, I haven't seen any of the other PWE forums changed nor have heard word lately that the change is being rolled out to another title in the near future, let alone STO....which is supposed to be last in the rotation by request.
Might I reiterate to everyone posting nettest results: For your own safety and the security of your connection, please black out or otherwise remove your local IP address when posting your nettest.
"Fast internet connection" has nothing to do with the issue, as your connection speed is only as good as your ISP's infrastructure, and many times, data packets travel segments which neither your ISP nor Cryptic/PWE control. Try running the tests outlined in the sticky titled "Diagnosing Lag and Rubberbanding" (which I…
Ping doesn't help in properly diagnosing issues in latency. It'll tell you the latency between that particular point and your PC, but not what's going on over the whole route. Try using the tests outlined in the lag and rubberbanding sticky. It'll really help with seeing the larger picture with your issue.
Not so much disrespect as the wish that their response not get lost in the deluge. As fast as people post to that thread, hardly anyone is going to read back 30-40 pages to find his response. Simply because his post was not in the popular rage thread of the day/week/month/year does not convey disrespect to the players.
Okay, first some general stuff: It doesn't matter if you can play another game just fine. Unless both games happen to utilize the exact same path to their servers, what's affecting something along the route to STO isn't going to affect another game. Therefore, being able to play another game doesn't mean there isn't a…
It says clearly in the credit card offers: ZEN only paid out for approved applications. As for the survey offers...unless you know the precise data that the particular provider that PL was contracted to do the survey for, who knows what reason you were disqualified for? The marketing people that run surveys are…
I had an ISE run where one player goes on complaining (well after the fact) that the optional had blown, and decided to AFK 30 klicks from any active combat. Then he says "I've never died in elite STFs." Well, if he parks that far away from any real action, yeah, I can see that. Then goes on to say "he doesn't pull dead…
Pretty sure this was an oldie of a thread, plus a recent FB post from STO. Though, since the thread is old and necroing is bad, I'll bite. "This is revolting. I hate this!!" "More?" "Please." --Data and Guinan, "Star Trek: Generations" "If I were human, I believe my response would be....'go to hell'. That is, if I were…
While I agree with your reasoning, unfortunately, your argument is lost on the heaps of entitled nerd rage here. I learned a long time ago never to expect perfection....and if I don't like the service being rendered, it does no good to raise my blood pressure raging over it. I just move on. EDIT: Surak is credited with the…
LTS and Gold members have priority login in the event of queues. However, not having to wait in a queue is not guaranteed. They just get to cut to the front of the line.
Unless you have a top-notch server....and several of them, to be sure, events like this as hyped as they've been and how EVERYONE and their mother has been waiting for an Ambassador-class, yeah....servers are going to be just a wee bit lagged for a little while. Nothing unusual after a large event. Best to get used to it.…