Hi, I tried to send you a private message but I kept getting an error. your sounds really great. my character is in a fleet that is pretty inactive and not in an armada at all so i was hoping to move her somewhere else. i am assuming your armada is fed. are any of your fleets recruiting? i would love to join somewhere…
Currently Armadas are the name of the Alpha fleet. Is there a way to change that? Our armada, for instance, has different fleets as Alpha on the fed and kdf sides but we wanted the Armada to have the same name. Is this something that you have plans to add to the game?
I think it would be a great idea to let us convert all reputation marks into a general "reputation mark" currency once we have the rep done. It would be so much easier to convert it into dil if we had just one type not seven. Even easier if we could do it in larger quantities. I mean who wants to convert 40k omega marks…
Summer Event food is available in the Summer Event store for favors but Winter Event food is not available in the Winter store for ornaments etc. Is there a reason for the inconsistency and can that change so it is always available as well?
Are there any plans to make ground trait load outs and space trait load outs or a system where you can set ground and space and the game automatically switch your personal set traits based on if you are on a space or ground map?
I think the idea has merit. It would bring back the idea of team play and place scis as a valuable team member again. I am all for support modes like that.