I do not PvP here because I feel like it not based on skill. Lets take when I played WoW as a reference. If I fought someone that was an average player wearing all purple gear and I was in all white commons, I feel like I would win that 60% of the time because I was just a better player. Sure they would win some due to…
I do not see why the Doff missions would change all that much, if you are in the Alpha quadrant around the Sol system, then the same Sirious sector missions would be in place, and if you moved to say DS9 then those sector space missions would be available. At least that's how I see it
It is indeed impossible with the current game engine, STO would need to be build from the ground up to make these changes. I dont think such a think would be cost effective
I love seeing just how quickly this channel is growing/spreading, and that a light RP element has grown organically out of it. Player roles in ships are more than likely going to happen not out of us demanding them or neccesitating them, but instead naturally out of the RP and need to the lower DPS. I feel like in our need…
This channel..this group has made the game wonderful for me. People more concerned about fun and Star Trek than huge damage numbers..its simple pure awesomeness.
I am a new player that just hit 50 last night and this sounds like a great idea to me. Though I still no literally nothing about the game I am hesitant to join in until I could be more useful, in the mean time I am starting a sci toon, as going back and watching DS9 makes me want to be a trill or bajoran