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kyoukisei Arc User



  • Queues will remain mostly empty because unless you do them with your own fleet it's a waste of 2 minutes of your time for zero rewards an instant fail and a long cooldown. Pugs have no clue and in some cases intentionally fail them. No one wants to waste the time on an unwinnable pug queue . the old ones.. might take a…
  • Nearly all of these even in elite are easy.. with your own fleet.... playing with pugs who in most cases are clueless is impossible. 1-2 Minutes in... instant fail. that's why queues are soo underpopulated now.. no one wants to waste 2 minutes for nothing and wait an hour to try again.
  • just as an aside... if you got lucky and had all 3 on one toon... well just try getting your hangar pet upgrades.... the ship doesn't register which is why no one can get their 40 pic bonus... well if it's not registering.. happy time getting anything other than the fighters you get as default hangar pets
  • I had all 3 of my ships on 40 credit after getting the carrier and other two ships. I had to complete two ships tho.. next day completed all 3 and the 40 for all other chars had vanished.. now all ships per toon were at 1k each. Before completing the last two... it showed all toons could claim all 3 ships after recieving…
  • God.. some of you have very good imaginations... and some pretty good ideas but every one of you are wrong... there is aprox. 1 year til the final wrapup of the Iconian arc. Therewill be two more major updates and a substantial ammount of grinding an Zen/cash expenditure.. some necesary.. some because you just MUsT have…
  • If all else fails please use the same rapid repair method I use.. If all else fails.. Use a hammer! BTW... I love talking about nail art *grins* wanna see my new nail work?
  • Not sure what's going on but god help us if the servers were built by YOYODYNE Industries...
  • not sure if this helps... I run a Sapphire Vapor-X ATI Radeon HD 6770 with 1 gig of DDR Ram last week for unrelated reasons I ran a full update package for my card... new dashboard (AMD Catalyst Control center) and drivers.. when this update ran today I noticed two things... initially the launch didn't even start at all…
  • I hope it's more like #DeltaRising rather than #FullmoonRising... that could be scary.... especially if a Gorn gives us a Full Moon
  • Maybe itwould be bettr to have a selection tab exclusively for Phasers similar to the science/ cruiser ability tabs allowing a specific subsystem targeted when firing...and if it's on a science ship.. you can also use the science ship disable subsystems ability stacked.. that might work wonders.
  • You do know the Gal-X is the most OP dreadnaught out there right??? So just to make it fair to fight one.. they nerfed it down to an oversized light escort... *smirks*
  • I like the Dual Beam but don't always use JUST that.. some of my ships with 4 forward arrasy may use two and a beam array and a torp...or two beam arrays a towp and a dual beam for beam overload.. .. hard to get it tho to hit sometimes with that spike... I think one as an aside.. or as with one of my two battle cruisers…
  • I agree a nice skirt, matching heels scoop neck top or lovely lace trimmed blouse with a blazer . or a gorgeous loose off the shoulder sweater matching necklace with starfleet pendant. Party dresses are nice.. but not every outing needs a formal party dress.. but a nice sexy casual outfit would be very sweet.
  • I'm not sure if anyone has taken stock of the player load lately....If you do however you will notice a substantial loss of players in a very short span of time... Tonight for instance there was not even 500 players total on all instances combined on ESB. a month or two ago there would be between 1000-2000 . these new rep…
  • This sounds very interesting in all .. Some parts sound very good but some sound very dodgy. Players have done a lot of grinding in the Rep system for some time and earned their passive /active skills.. it was hard work... so I guess it's only fair to strip them of all that and give them less skills than they used to…
  • These change are far too substantial and not all in a good way. Some aspects seem nice.. however saying this is to Balance veteran player with all rep buffs they worked hard to get.. elite fleet weapons and special abilities their CStore ship has... will all be thrown out the window so newly minted LVL 50 players with none…
  • Isn't there a rule against "bring your kids to work day?' it helps when people don't let their kids put Grilled Cheese sandwiches in the servers DVD trays then push them closed.... Oh well.... maybe the Tribbles ate ther servers???:confused::confused:
  • An updated modern version of the Star Empire dreadnaught with a Photonic cloak/ Multiple decoy console.. (Just like the original had) when activated the ship uses an external photonic projection system to make it Blend into the surrounding space essentially (cloaking without using a cloak) and displaying 4 photonic…
  • I like the new setup overall for the Gal-X but in my personal opinion what they need to do is downgrade the Lt Commander Engineering slot.. (there's a Commander Engineering already, why do you still need a LT commander too?) Upgrade the LT tactical to a LT Commander instead of the Engineering slot.... Tactical LT Commander…
  • The new ship has a Proton cannon... that combined with the prototype cannon and a protonic dual beam or dual cannon plus Dyson consoles (and there ARE +20-30 ish consoles) my ship's fore weaponry is very formidable already. I also used the Dyson consoles with photon torpedo boosts... and the gravity photon torp.. not a bad…
  • I don't see why anyone would say the ship is NOT OP... it's constant cold shoulder... the overchilled beer in the ice box... err.. I mean heater.... and god help us!! that Tribble pulse cannon!!! it wipes every Klingon ship out in one shot... or at the least makes them all run away. Ok... silliness aside.. didn't we just…
  • No idea how difficult it would be to get.... but one ship i'd love is a refit version of the U.S.S. Star Empire . the federation's First Dreadnaught class ship. special console would be very nice... it could create Photonic duplicates as decoys while masking it's energy signature and using a Photonic camouflage making…
  • Have no idea why you are having such a hard time with your Avenger. Mine has gone toe to toe with a Plasma/Romulan set equipped Oddy and when I say toe to toe... I mean point blank no flinching.. slugfest... in the end it was called a draw because the most we could get was a brief shields down 50% hull on each other.. then…
  • Torpedo spread fires a small cluster of torpedoes at each target.. multiple clusters at multiple targets... but still a small cluster per target. my Torp idea would be and act much like a cluster mine does.... firing a 20 shot cluster at one target. slightly faster reload time than a transphasic cluster torp but slower…
  • I've been running one of my Avengers with full AP setup with the Borg console KCB and AP Omni beam in rear with a fleet AP . 2 Fleet dual beam and 2 fleet beam arrays and an Omega Torp in front. it is not a super DPS ship tho vs Borg it is.... but PVP it still can pack a real can of whoop TRIBBLE. Fire at will I and II and…
  • Interesting ship... shows obvious influences of other classes... Not sure it's up for new Enterprise.... but i think a bit of fine tuning it'd be a very nice "Heavy" Assault Cruiser. Not all that odd when compared to a Typhoon... tho less elegant lines...
  • Not that many bashers of the ship would like to see it..... but my wish for the avenger would have been 3 aft weapon slots 3 fore weapons slots and two outboard right/left 180 degree arc weapon slots. That would of course allow cannons in the outboard slots fore and aft firing arcs... beams would have a full 5 fore/aft arc…
  • so that means all dual cannons are heavy cannons?? and dual heavy cannons are somehow. Heavy HEAVY cannons?? saying a dual beam is a heavy beam is like saying a large apple is a Pineapple. totally different things.. a dual beam is just two beams firing.. dual heavy beams are like.. twice the bang... in around the output of…
  • one thing I'd like to have seen..... tho the PVPers would have demanded it be nerfed cause the escorts were dying more often than they liked.... beam overload should have been a timed effect... 10-15 seconds of overload on all beams that'd have given beam boats a short term massive boost to weapons. as for the new heavy…
  • As far as the Regent (aka assault cruiser retrofit) the torp is fun, I normally don't even bother with the metreon cannister( Riker manouver console) but as is.. my ship is an outright beast.. with a bit of help much more of a beast. PVE the thing is nearly indestructible. so if you like running cruisers... it's more than…