The weekly reward is per account, so it sounds like you have run it on your fed already which is why none of your other characters will get one. Working as intended if this is the case.
I wonder how long this will take to occur. I still haven't got my point but i expect this script will be run somewhere between last patch and next patch, ill wait till thursday before bringing this up again.
Watch as the Iconians notice all the captains from the alliance head to risa on a daily basis. Doesn't take a genius to tell the iconians should attack and destroy the biggest threat they have whilst they are building sandcastles and using jetpacks. Alliance loses majority of its top ranking captains in one day and…
I see where you are coming from, but it depends if it is looking for characters CURRENTLY between 50-59. Or Characters who were 50-59 when they opened the box. The Latter would cover him.
Woo glad i wasn't going crazy is enough for me. Sadly the two workarounds arew obviously too late now for me, but i hope this message can get out to other players to stop this happening to others.
Glad it isn't just me. I have a suspicion that below level 60 there is something limiting how many skill points you get in order to match it with the levelling system. So additional spec points aren't allowed above your level until 60. But only when you level will you notice this.
Its once per week, per account during the original three weeks the missions were released. I'm quite sure its more than 3 weeks since any of them were released now and the tech reward is gone.
Well i had a disruptor cannon faeht that isn't geared up with sets so i'm fitting this set on him. So far the torpedo is the usual transphasic torp but in a blue-ish white colour which i think looks pretty cool especially with Torpedo spread three. As for it's use though i'll have to play more to find out.
Thanks for your continued hard work. Was hoping to see the new elite Xindi hanger pets make this list, i guess my elite will spawn advanced for another week then.
Many threads have come before you, but its currently not released, information appears to be it will be a player interior with choice of replicators or kitchen. There is no ETA for this to be done. I doubt it will be in the next week or so at a minimum.
But with Fleet T6 the cost would work out at 3500 Zen. Just saying. An issue i have is the Atrox, 2500 zen, plus 500 for fleet, plus 700 to upgrade. 3700. Thats an issue. Mysuggestion is to bring the 2500 Zen ships down to 2000 Zen levels. P.S feel free to give the atrox console/frigates when you do.............
To elaborate on the previous user, if you use a second one it simply adds to your pool. Meaning you will keep gaining, is it 10%?, extra credits for longer.
Same story, must take a lot of time and effort to create these missions, They are all the same gameplay regardless of faction. The occasional NPC or character will make a passing reference to you being a romulan however instead of a line targeted at starfleet, this is only a simple text change however.
Yeah well remember in fleet alert everyone is buffed to the level cap, In this case Level 60, all the enemies are too. So technically they have unintentionally made all Fleet alerts advanced I believe. However I managed to complete my Fleet alert against the borg, we started off slow but somehow as i got used to my T6 ship…
Please correct me if wrong I haven't looked at the system for a small while. I was under the impression that a trait unlocked was account-wide? seemed a little far-fetched but would be good if that is the case.
Besides jumping from point A to point B. The Qib Intel and Faeht Intel are intelligence Ships for the respective factions. The Mat'Ha and Aelahl are T6 Non-intel ships
Maybe I'm the only one confused? If you mean will they let you upgrade the rep gear from Mk 12, then yes. That is part of the upgrade system. If you mean the gear from the store will be bought at mk 14? then no that is not what they are doing.
Well if each of their toons has 1K there would be no need to share them ;). Yeah the market is not going to be hurt in a single day, but each day more dilithium goes in than normal the prices will climb as the zen is bought up at the lower levels meaning the price rises. Then Delta rising with its new stuff effecting the…
Lets consider for a moment, no one has any claims stored up. A New Lock box appears and as per usual keys flow and boxes are opened. This creates a surge of dilithium claims for a while since the box is shiny and new and more people wants the goods. These build up, a player shares between their characters and then the…
Can't answer the account hacking thing, But I do certainly remember your name for winning a Delta Pack. Electrumleopard is much more memorable then Xyzuser231, when thinking of who to curse for me not winning the pack. :P
I like the idea, don't get me wrong. But if its forbidden in the alpha/beta quadrant then i doubt even if it came from the delta quadrant they still would not be given permission to equip it, even if a certain ferengi sold it to them in the shape of a box and key. Isnt the colour effect described very like romulan/plasma?…
Oh no! The cashier was a Gorn, and he tried to short change you! Quick kill him then fly to the Gorn homeworld to kill 50 Gorn in revenge before flying straight into a klingon Ambush who try to steal your freshly purchased Cookies!!!!!!