Take me to places I haven't seen before. We aren't limited by set budgets or exotic locations, lighting, or weather in STO. I love when they take us to places mentioned in the show(s) or new, alien planets. I marvel at the Cryptic artists who design these places.
What is the point? Seroiusly not being a troll here but with only a few exceptions, the game doesn't change because you play as a temporal agent, Fed, klink, romulan, whatever. So unless what you're really asking is when are they going to introduce a story line where you can play as a hirogen, enjoy your skin at the tailor…
I don't know how to delete this. DELETE this thread please. I feel pretty stupid. Fix for this is easy. don't have your available officers full. Fixed it. Sorry. Please delete this thread.
Love it. So seriously, and forgive my ignorance, do we have a Foundry Community Leader? Who is it if there is one? If there is one, I apologize as I am not trying to blast the current one if there is one nor am I trolling.
Who is the Foundry Community Leader? Do we have one? Taco does read these forums (credit where it is due) and although I do not personally know Taco, Taco does seem to be responsive. Sadly he is only one person.
Balance of Terror was heavily inspired by The Enemy Below, a 1957 submarine movie. It was so close to the movie that I believe they had to pay some to the writer of The Enemy Below. Either way, great movie and great episode. Oh, and if you want to read about real life Captain's try any WW2 Submarine story including bios…
I LOVE the speculation. I especially love the line "we don't know near enought details to say it'll rock or suck." Back when people read, that was called judging a book by its cover. ha! On the surface, Breaking bad sounds stupid. watch it, and it rocks! It bugs me when people toss out judgement without ever seeing the…
Great question of size versus quality. We have experienced the majority of Star Trek (via TOS and TNG) through capital ships. These are larger, take more personnel and have highly specialized missions. It is not surprising that the number of Constitution or Galaxy class ships would be small. Note also that the TNG…
They are nice looking (and probably the very best uniform in all of Star Trek IMHO). The pants on the STO version are to short as the ones in the movie seem to drop lower bunching up just above the ankle. I know, that is a little picky but hey, there are threads on here about lights on ships! LOL
Until the NPC can react to the "playable" race/species I really don't see the point in any more "playable" races. Really what you're asking is "what skin would you like to have next?" (no cryptic, this is not a criticism)
I'm really having trouble with this. After encouraging my fleetmates to donate to fleet projets...these are ludicrous prices. Cryptic, we don't have a Ferengi supplier and we can turn to anyone else that can provide these outstanding items (competition is good for business). Since you are the sole supplier/provider, please…