Glad your husband and other devs are still working for cryptic. Now go make him a sammich and let us talk about the realities of how this game is being ruined.
Still disconnecting every few minutes. Apparently, Cryptic is following suit of other mmo's and seeing the cost savings, they are reaping the rewards of peddling unstable broken games. For all the issues with power creep, ruining pvp, etc. STO until recently could generally say it did a better job of fixing bugs and…
It's funny how cryptic seemingly sees a game like SWTOR still make a profit after being severely buggy, laggy and unstable and now suddenly so is STO. Granted this game's troubleshooting, etc. hasn't always been perfect, but until recently it has been far more stable and less buggy. It's as if now they realize they can…
It's sad they have to remove any chance of failure since the current generation of P.U.G. players seem to find simple things like Borg Disconnected too hard. As far as Pug missions go, it's actually easier than Infected Space in terms of getting random people working together, but the people turn into morons and dont'…
Got a CSI expert in here *eyeroll* Overall these reviews are fairly positive of Cryptic with most of the ire directed at the publisher. I think the main gripe based on what's presented here is they're running too lean with their hardware and software and timetables.
I never said in my example about Tera's crafting system that it didn't require invested effort. What's your counterpoint if you even have one? And yeah the previous crafting system was bad but this one still isn't worth the time or effort in light of what you have to spend/grind to make anything worth using in endgame.
Tera is another game with a crafting "grind" that most notably won't take 345 days just to gain proficiency in a certain discipline where most of the time is consumed by acquiring the more exotic materials for the high end gear. I was able to craft my endgame gear within 30 days of starting my character. Also you can…
Just when I thought crafting would be an interesting thing to take up in this game for the first time, it's been rendered not worth a frak once again. If I want a multiyear grind I'll play Korean MMO's. If it was the same timeframe to max out one school as it does one reputation and gear up within said rep, I'd have no…
I don't know why anyone would miss anything in the dil store. If anything it was nothing more than a gratuitous dil sink for people who didn't know better. I seriously doubt any casuals were lost because they had to use a regular green deflector while levelling for a while.
Oh, so you do have all the gimmick prowar tools then. Thank you for vindicating my position, johnny leetpro. Go back to SWTOR. It's pvp lovingly handcrafted for players of your demographic.
^This. Quoted for truth. And when I said pvp was fairly balanced I meant it in the context of relatively, not equitably for all. Now is the first time, though, in my experience that it's as broken as ground pvp.
With the reward nerf and devolution of game mechanics into procwars, there is every indication that cryptic wants to discourage any pvp whatsoever. I've seen similiar practices in other games with reward nerfs and "balance tweaks" that make the playerbase not care. It's usually by design.
I did. Sciencebased and saying you don't fly escorts aren't the same thing. The only thing you're missing is the cloak. Vindicate your imbalanced broken pvp all you like. I was here when it was actually fairly balanced so cut the TRIBBLE.
Social cripple child resorts to flames. It only shows vindication of what I have seen pvp devolve into from a fairly balanced experience three years ago to kiddie proc wars. Drown in your own noobness, pup. Also I noticed you have no cruisers and all your ships are science based. only thing you're missing is the cloak. I…
What's the point? With the new gimmick weapon du jour it's been proven that if you're not a science rommie in a scimitar you won't win the decloak-and-proc wars. It's now officially as broken as ground pvp, in which you're a useless sack of TRIBBLE if you're not a sci caitian. PvP queues take 2 hours or more to pop for me…
I had so much fun at the Risa event last year. Out of all the games I play, STO has the most fun events. The Xmas event is cool for sure, but Risa is just a blast. I'm looking forward to the jetpacking, surfboarding hoopla!
LOL at the Galaxy. As mentioned my ship is nearly impregnable in pve, even though tanking is meaningless in this game and ppl in their escorts and sci ships get upset when a cruiser shows up in stf's. In pvp, with the ability to equip all janky universal consoles to break an odyssey in half in one shot, as well as the lack…
Cruisers are fine during the carebear stuff, even though tanking means absolutely nothing and most ppl get upset when you don't bring an op escort into space stf's, but in pvp they're rendered useless again with the overpowered garbage and universal consoles that should not be mixed together but do. It's like making a WW2…
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the downtime, and I loathe it when games put out updates that could have been tested a few weeks longer, but I hate having bugs throughout a game and having a development team do nothing. Sure, this game has some ongoing bugs but seriously, I've played games that do a far worse job of QA.
I've seen far worse as far as subpar editing, but the flow could have been better, especially during the Riker fight near the end. VERY VERY TRUE! No one thinking to check Geordi's visor after he was freed in Generations is another example. Kirk actually acknowledges his screwup within the film and it also plays into his…
These are valid points which is why I didn't rate the film higher. It needed to be explained but it's not hard to think those in high places on Romulus wouldn't find value ina cast-off clone of Jean-Luc Picard, even after he'd had his nose and jaw broken to make for some apparent differences in physical appearance. It's…
This certainly is a thread that gets the community yacking. I like it! Here's my choices. 1.Star Trek II: Even now, this simple, but tight story, wove character development in with tense battleship drama and action. Spock's sacrifice was a poignant moment that transcended genre confines. 2.Star Trek VI: I was surprised to…
I honestly don't care if i'ts a buyable item or not. I'm just sick of the notion that one is not tolerant l/g/b/t people simply because he or she thinks the suit looks like TRIBBLE. Which it does. It's perhaps Gene Roddenberry's worst design idea ever. Seriously. It makes men and women look like theyr'e wearing clothing…