Winner!! Thank you to Sponsors and everyone for the Pack. Entered on a "meh worst case I lose like I always do" woot! Korbin is actually Latin, well this spelling meaning Raven. And BTW Canadian.
The reward is special events you've seen and all the 'fun' you've had thus far. With addition of the Vet rewards you've already got and enjoyed. You dont require more reward for playing than that. More is 'nice' but 'not required' nor should it be 'demanded'
FYI to move instantaneous is to move in BOTH time and space by defined in our modern science. All travel takes X amount of time (should it take NO time then it is time travel). Given that, Im voting for another Galaxy. That should Really open things up for us.
2000 day... given release day was Feb 2, 2010 so given youre a subscriber and your first free 30 counted (not sure) towards Vet rewards...and you never baught lifetime sub.... earliest you'd see 2k day vet rewards is July 26, 2015...if 30 didnt count Aug 25, 2015. Thats just plain silly, Vet rewards yes go to Vets that…
Sure..but only if they can be placed on ANY science ship. I'll still support that you need to purchase a Vesta first to unlock these, but AUX Cannons are huge game changing item and as such need wider distribution if you want more variety.
You're very much right, they'll at perfect timing with race taking 0 time at all will get in 7 races more than they need. So OP will be only 280/1000 on second ship at best.
Pike was Capt only in the Pilot episode after which he was replaced by Jim Kirk, and Rob April was even before all that. As for Mirror, if you read what I said you'd noticed I used Mirror as another example of alternate universe/timeline cause another timeline is and can be considered alternate dimension depending on…
Cause that series by JJ Abrams is in alternate universe, much like Mirror universe. In this universe original Star Trek series happened, Kirk was Captain of Enterprise the whole time. In Mirror the Terran Empire exists.
In a D'D you should be more broad siding your target, not rushing into middle of combat and choosing your targets not get chosen. I avoided the D'D cuz i hate cruisers, but they work for tacs if you adjust and learn how to set them up.
All I have to say is that Mission seperates those that know what they are doing and those that are just lofting through PvE as it was loosely designed. You see PvE is designed that any make-shift crappy build and setup can move through it. I can say this as I was flying a Fed Defiant at the time (Tac Officer) so I had no…
It might be worth stating as part of their Rules for this contest "9. The address you provide with your prize draw entry will be used to send any prizes. Unless stated otherwise in the Prize draw Notice, Prize draws are only open to residents of the United Kingdom and you are not entitled to enter the Prize draw if you are…
Very good, but in my Defiant (cuz I refuse to fly another cruiser ever again) I was able to Escort tank and spank that on first try without death and never dropped below 75% hull. PvE is designed that any configuration can work if done with some understanding, the problem with T4 selection is that we are forced into a…
Its not so much that the D'Deridex sucks its that as said before the other factions dont FORCE players into a Cruiser cuz thats what it is. Every faction for the first 20-30 levels we are given hybrid ships, that arent escorts/science or cruisers. Then you hit level 30 as Romulan/Reman and BAMM ZING your told by Cryptic…
I feel really bad for F2P, im getting that fail login after waiting in queue for 245, 450, 975 each time ive attempted to login. I am Gold member and really gotta feel bad for all those Silvers i keep bumping longer everytime server fails to log me in.
To all those that get greatly discouraged by the Queue, ignore it...Everytime I try logging into Tribble i get queue'd anywhere from 100-1000 at first, then within 1-2mins it goes up to like 1500-25000, then within another 1-2mins its like 1-10, then within 1 min im in. Login for me takes from 3-10mins max, so just wait…
Having now played on KDF on Tribble I will be forced to delete my lvl50 KDF player so that I can reroll and see the entire storyline. Well done and looking forward to playing this on live.
@inusboy2 No you dont need to apply, just have Tribble opened on your account and become a constructive tester to maximize your chances to get 'random' selected. I believe they stated they would have a open beta weekend coming up before it goes live, so just be patient and it'll come.
Completed this no problem on my Fed allied Rom last week first day of testing. Tried four days ago on my new KDF allied Rom and yup cant complete. If Dev's could get that sorted out we could test KDF side...
Most of the game is wonderful and progressing nicely. Few bugs Ive encountered are well documented in this and countless other threads. My only concern/complaint is that from lvl 1-29 we have raptor/escort ships and then at lvl30-39 are forced into a cruiser if we wish to continue using warbirds. Now i feel for engineer…
Ive gotten a Romulan (Fed sided) all way up to lvl21 and other than Temporal Ambassador mission (which is last you can do) completed all the Romulan Storyline given to us yet. Story is great, though as so many before me have stated, it scrolls FAR to fast. Also on replay there is No way to skip would love that…
This isnt a data error on your PC like it would be most of the time. Its result of Cryptic trying to figure out yesterday's outage. See red text above thread, first it starts with map manager then you cant login at all. Solution? wait for them to fix it and stop TRIBBLE with Users connection to their service.