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kittnasty2#7704 Arc User



  • First off, my point is that cryptic gets more money buy keeping the Connie hard to get. Judging by the amount of money they rakes in from special boxes that contains the T-6 Connie, or should I say a chance to get one. Cryptic would not not ever make the money they do now if the T-6 Connie were readily available in the…
  • What does necro posts mean?? Second, I don’t care about stats, compared to commanding the same class as ship as Kirk at an end game level. Coldnapalm, I believe you are in the minority of believing that the constitution is an ugly ship. However this still America and you have the right to be wrong.
  • I think the reason we will never see a T-6 Connie is the fact once it gotten, nobody will want purchase anything else. Why I say this is because I just got one for my main character. I don’t care to fly anything else. If the T-6 Connie is the Cadillac of starships why would anyone want spend real money to buy anything else?
  • > @ltminns said: > @ltminns said: > There is a T6 Constitution, available originally from R&D Promotion Packs, and later from Infinity R&D Promotion Packs. The Promotion Packs can be found on the Exchange. The ship itself is so expensive above the Exchange Limit that it is only available through private transactions…
  • Hi All, This is an interesting topic so topic so far. I'd just like to add, it's kinda funny that we get a T-6 NX class ship but no T-6 constitution class available in the C-Store. To me it seems like all powers that be seem to be trying to ignore the show that started it all. Yeah I know we got AOY, but we got Temprol…