Experienced T'Varo torp boat capt here If you are going to have 3 torpedoes up front, they need to be Harpeng, Breen Cluster, and the Dyson Gravometric torp (or Romulan plasma). For the mines in the back, you are going to need to get the Hirogen Lockbox trait: Hot Pursuit. Try to fit Gravity Well into your build for…
Here is my disgustingly overpowered godmode T'Varo build. Its so ridiculous I dont even play it all of the time because it removes all challenge from the game. Expect to get first place in Crystalline Catastrophe every single time. The Hirogen Lockbox traits Hot pursuit and Intimidating Strikes are a great benefit to this…
Thats is one of the reasons I switched from the Romulan Plasma to the Dyson Graviton torp. Place the experimental beam up front and load the console and you will put out disgusting photon damage. With that configuration, My Fleet T'Varo is up to 20% crit and 90% severity. I run my T'Varo with a Sci LTC so that I can use…
I mentioned earlier in the thread that the Kumari is the most potent cannon platform that exists for Fed Engineers. Rotate Shield Frequency and Miracle Worker provide all the extra healing you need that you dont get from your Sci boff (Universal LT slot). If your an Engy, give it a shot. Bonus points for getting the…
Interesting. I never tried with my Fed Aligned Reman since my Recluse carrier, T'Varo, Daeinos, or Ha'apax cover all the styles I want to play. I figured that the Andorian set was available accountwide to my Fed characters. Good to know.
The Kumari makes a great cannon based escort for a Federation Engineer. If you have extra fleet credit and dil to burn, get the Advanced fleet Andorian phasers and you will have about the most potent escort experience possible for an Engineer. Engineers also have enough tricks to keep the Kumari propped up nicely as well.…
I have a fleet Ha'apax as my beamboat of choice and I highly recommend it. However, it is not a cheap investment since It requires the Haakona console to shine. First off, it is cool just because it is original and not Scimitartemplate_00756. Second, it really is the best beamboat Warbird available. Better than the Fleet…
The reason why, is because CBS said no. There are endless posts complaining about the lack of a T5 Connie and its all just wasted breath. The economics are not disputable: allowing a T5 Connie would be like printing money and the only reason it hasn't happened yet is purely due to licensing restriction. Any pretense of…
Well played sir, my misspelling of the word for a law or standard for measurement was a keen insight. Perhaps you would like to approve of my use of grammar as well? You agree with my central point so my job is done and since at this point you are just trolling, I'll move on to other things.
While that represents a cynical translation, I can see how perhaps one might focus on that aspect. Allow me to be more clear: I'm getting weary of the vocal minority bashing every new ship that comes out for not being cannon enough or too futuristic. People will take the trouble to complain but rarely to offer a compliment…
Please disregard these fail posts that complain about the look of the ships. Those folks would have you convert all of the impressive ship art in this game to look like the Excelsior. You guys are doing a fantastic job with all of the recent ship additions. Filter out the static and press on, I'm sure your numbers don't…
Based on my success with a Tvaro torp boat on my Reman, I have began building one on my Fed Engineer. Without cloaking bonus and alpha it is a different experience and needs to be built more for tanking. However since you are a Tac, you can frontload APA and APB for some wicked damage. If you use a defiant you can cloak,…
I am still early in my Torp building experience but my Reman Captain with 0 rep gear pulls 10k DPS in Infected Conduit Elite in his Tvaro. This is with Destabalized Torp, Plasma DHC, Har'Peng, Breen cluster, and Rapid Reload Transphasic in front and Plasma turret, transphasic mine launcher, and 360 omni directional…