He could have been openly hostile and vitriolic when responding to the proffered insult. Instead, Elijah decided to deflect it. Indeed, the commenter confirmed later in this thread that the suggestion that Elijah "turn pro" was not a compliment. Those truly deserving of the "blame and shame" are typically not found posting…
Hi there forum peoples! I'm Tony. I used to be a host on Priority One. I'm still affiliated with Priority One, but now I host a different show, covering a different game. It's a pretty good show, and you should check it out, but that's not why I'm here. I'm here of my own volition, not at anyone's request or orders. I'm…
A HUGE "Thank You" to all you hapless listeners who let themselves be fleeced by Elijah and the gang so they can take hours of audio and video recordings that we'll edit and release for the benefit of everyone who can't make it to STLV '14! Without you, none of this would be possible! I'll just leave this here:…
Manually republished five missions. All used the same door on the Old ESD. All now start from the same "transplanted" door on the New ESD. All is well.
Project ID: ST-HRPICB67E Title: Overture 3 Former entry door: South corridor, first door on the right New/moved entry door is nowhere on the new ESD map and no waypoint is active on the map. Thanks! Tony
I take particular glee in that all the 1 and 2 star reviews have typos. And no, I did not add them in post-production. :) Yep. Overture 6: FINALE with Cannonade. Enjoy with my compliments. And a bowl of popcorn. And probably some water. And loose fitting clothes. And probably one of those bead-chair-covering things. It's…
I like Kirkfat's idea. [ShamelessPlugON] Two civilizations were plunged into war on the other side of the galaxy. You've been ordered to bring them back from the edge of ruin. But you've got to find them first... Star Trek: Overture (Series Trailer) (HD) Overture 1: A Rocky Fanfare Trailer (HD) Overture 2: Sonata in the…
P1 is in the early stages of planning a return to Vegas in 2014, so here's the deal: Tony will buy one drink for BranFlakes (or the dev of his choice) per Foundry Bug caught and squished by July 1, 2014. Make it so!
thanks for all the questions, everyone! Tune in tomorrow for part 1 of the interview via priorityonepodcast.com and keep an eye out there for a supplemental broadcast later this week! Tony
At bottom, these changes are not about us. These changes are about first time players coming into the game. Changes resulting in some level of anger from existing players is always acceptable. Because, statistically, a certain percentage of us will be exiting the game for one reason or another. If the tradeoff for…
Threadwinner. I disagree with the proposition that the cooldown somehow ruins the economy... but this post is poetry. The only reason to keep this thread open is to sing the praises of the poster and his wordsmithing. :)
Thanks for all the questions everyone - tune into www.trekradio.net Thursday 7/18/2013 at 8:30 PM EDT/ 5:30 PM PDT or download the show Monday 7/22/2013 from www.priorityonepodcast.com! Tony
Tribbles got into the server stack... AGAIN! Our very own Lennon "Scotty" Rich is vacuuming them up as we speak. In the meantime, we've transferred command to our auxiliary bridge. Thanks for your patience!
same... also had to manually seat my tactical BOFF. flying outside the waypoint and flying back had no effect Edit: circling up pops up 4 "open door" clickies each of them triggers a "cut scene" letter boxing that warps me around the map
Thanks to everyone who asked questions! I'm compiling them for the interview now. Tune in to our Twitch.tv channel tonight at around 9pm EDT/6pm PDT for our live playthrough of the LoR beta on the Tribble server! And be sure to download the interview later this week! RSS…
I can sum up Cryptic's reasoning with three letters: GIG Get In Game No alien gen means fewer options to fool around before you get into the game mechanics. A quicker entry into the game means a faster completion of the tutorial/introduction. Faster completion of the intro means the player gets into the social zones and…
Interesting... Thanks for the reply! Are you able to elaborate on that? Or shall we schedule a mutually convenient time to commence with the "OMGWTFBBQ ur gunna tayk mai buttinz" rage? :)
They're sorta mouthy, but they work for cheap. Budget cuts... You know how it is. Yeah, or when my Vulcan tactical officer shows up with the "scared" animation and tells me she was so frightened when the alien jumped out from behind the rock.
right you are. 3 commas actually. 638 review and you're the first person to mention it! thanks! it's fixed, but I'm planning on remastering the series at some point, so I'm not going to republish just yet. there's still some things about all 6 missions that need attention like fixing costumes, adding in some character…
Ah. There's you're problem right there. :) Rule number one in security: keep clearances current. Well, rule number sev...elev...? I forget, but it's up there. A painful lesson, but one that the whole community can learn from. Demote or dismiss non-active members. That said, this is a horrible act of *theft* that needs to…
thanks! be sure to leave a comment with any feedback you might have. You want to torpedo my ship? Blow up my precious U.S.S. Republic? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode... spoiler: (watch the trailer for Overture 6) Yeah, this is one of those compromises between "real" Star Trek and the geography of the game. I…
Hey Brian - It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here... Mission Name: Overture 6: Finale with Cannonade Author: @KineticImpulser Minimum Level: Any Allegiance: Federation Project ID: ST-HECU5DAJR Estimated Mission Length: 100-120 min Overture 6 Final Trailer Hope you're getting more time off these days!
[ObviousTroll] So ... this is all we get after you worked guys worked six-day weeks for months? With twice as many people? You ONLY doubled the story content of the game? That's it? [/ObviousTroll] Good jorb, youse guys.
I tweeted this earlier, but I want to expand a bit. Armor = x% CritD resistance Heavy Armor = X% CritH resistance and x% CritD resistance Then apply a small global CritH and CritD buff to all appropriately enhanced weapons in the game (e.g. CritD x 1 = 25% critical severity up from the current 20% and CritH x 1 = 2.5%…
Here's my error message: "GS shutting down before getting to ready state." same symptoms as the previous posters, though (trying to open a mission in the editor results in some kind of time out).