As the subject line says. I was in a Red Alert versus Tholians and lost connection. For the past half hour I've been trying to get back in and I've gotten as far as picking my character and trying to load them in, only to repeatedly get disconnected from the Account Server. When I try to log back in, it never makes it so I…
Did you notice how ridiculous your statement is? Probably not. Let me see... " ..various Zen and Ship sales that occur several times a year..." Does that somehow not sound a bit lowbrow to you? Does it sound like it's not even ballpark legit, to you? Why in THE heck would I want to wait 'x' amount of months for something…
What improvements?? Because your bank account has frivolous amounts of disposable income doesn't mean the rest of us have it. Your idea is beyond ridiculous and shouldn't even be considered. There are far too many things in the game that require Zen as it is. When I played in beta and on release, we could expand our…
Out of the blue yesterday, I got *re-promoted* to Commander...which I had been promoted to in March of 2010 when I was last playing (according to the character's log). After getting that, I got promoted to Captain and finally received the ship...30+ hours later.
I can attest to this and it is a new bug. I've been back playing for a week and a half, and I did this quest with no issues a few days ago. Yesterday I tried with another character (both were Klingons in the KDF) and Rinna will not update or get transported out, so the quest cannot be completed.
Thanks for the replies folks. I'll look into the trophy thing again. As far as checking the quest log thoroughly, I did. The quest log clearly states it gave me a ship, which is false, as the ship I received was from the "Temporal Ambassador" quest and NOT the promotion quest. Normally I would go to the shipyard to the…
Same here. It says it is "trying to connect to server" and it took about 5 minutes to download 5 mb of data, then I got a ton of script errors when it finally came up. I closed it, reopened it, still got the "trying to connect to server" little box then the launcher loaded...and nothing. It looks like it is trying to patch…