Just remember, stargate has the man who blew up 2/3 of a solar system by the push of some buttons, and the woman who blew up a star and reversed time. Stargate wins.
That actually sounds like a good idea. I would maybe throw in a sort of red alert, with a distress call, just to give some extra rewards for those that will take time to do them. Also the idea with the ship, was that it would be in a different system each time.
Well it was just an idea i got, and when you put it that way, i can see the problems in my scenario. And no i don't have a ship that is called the Kanara. Thanks for the feedback.
It isn't weird that those statues are there, because that New Romulus was one of planet considered for colonization by the break away Vulcans (that would later become Romulans). But choiced not to, due to severe radiation and fighting among the people, the next planet they got to was Romulus were they settled.
That would not be possible, because holograms have no rights either in the federation or the klingon empire, the doctor has aqquired special rights do to "extra ordinary circumstances" in the delta qaudrant. therefor it wouldn't be possible.
With the abilities i am planning on using i can't a2b. I am planning to use it as a pve ship. My tactic usually involves flying around the target at half impulse, but with a ship like this i am using around a qaurter impuls. Thanks for the suggestions.