"Yes Elite pve queues dont need much dps" "You can do all advanced queues with 10k dps"Anyways going to get an okhala as soon as possible. Guess cryptic wont ever add anything else.
Someone needs to study the theory of relativity Also if you take it that way, decelerating in space should be real hard outside an atmosphere. Accelerating too. There is no way to use friction. Only way I know is pumping air out of your behind. Not using a rocket. (you can find better game mechanics in better space sims…
Posts: 2,462 Posts: 7,750 Guys there should be a Help channel open for everyone. Like in the other serious Space Games. Or most serious space games. Leaving to play a serious space game. Will log in for the daily stf to get a shiny new card!
Yeah I checked those options but I want the set bonus of rep gear. :( Too much to ask to keep using my Delta stuff? As for pilot ships..they cost zen. I got ec. Maybe I'll get a pilot box ship. Thx for the info :) AFAIK I didn't ask how to play the game. I'm sure I know better than the forum dwellers.
Really kiddo? You know what craptic and Imperfect world have done to elite stfs?? They are rewarding from 10 to 30 fleet marks WTF is that? Advanced migh yield more. Whats the point of getting an elite team for 10 marks? Whats so wrong if the top of the players can win a no win scenario. We all worked hard to build ships…
So CrtDx4 Ac/Dmg Antiproton weaponry will now have a 106% CrtD bonus and 6% non crit bonus just from the weaponry? Does the dmg mod buff the total CritD of the ship + weapon or just weapon? This Dmg mod wont help those who can't buff themselves up but the Tac dpsers mostly who can do 200% boosts and more.. Just checked my…
Not sure if any of you have tried the Advanced version nevermind won. I am also having doubts of you guys winning the easy mode. All I see are complaints about the easy mode.. LOL
1. fire at will crits the plasma explosion 2. attack pattern alpha 3. omega 4. eptw3 5. etc Put them all at the same time and you get massive hits. Oh and rom decloak helps too.
Problem I see is that Star Trek Online is 75% a franchise and 25% a game. If the series never existed, the game would not come to be. And really we will see that now that they come to end the iconian war they will run out of "ideas". Less Trek stars to sell to the folks. I'm disapointed in this, sorry if this has nothing…
Thats how pretty much every old player is like. This game can only generate in-game currency via real life currency. The main way of getting ec is spending zen or having someone else spend zen. Don't you think there is something wrong with that?
Well +1 to this.. Game is looking real bad right now with all this rubber banding. Its so bad we have come to accept it, that sto will always have lag. Seriously is this your game?
If this is not a joke, I want my zen back. Spent them on lots of TRIBBLE you got on c-store. Now multiply that with the time I spent playing. Anyone knows where the cryptic cave is?