steampunker7 is correct - the BoP was a Romulan ship in the original storyline for ST:III by the writer Harve Bennett as written in September 1982. This ship was conceived and designed with Romulans in mind and later when Nimoy wanted to change the bad guys to Klingons because they were more 'theatrical' they kept the ship…
Quoted for truth! The only thing really Klingon about them is the fact that people keep calling them Klingon! LOL! :rolleyes: The closest designs Cryptic ever did to anything I'd ever consider as going in the right direction, IMO, were the Vor'kang and Kamarang but even they weren't great, just ok. The Command ships wow...…
Sorry Cryptic but nothing on that list is what needs to be addressed anytime soon IMO. The choices you provided forced me to pick the least of the evils, here is my order of preference from bad to worst. 1. More Episodes - I only picked this because it is obvious pvp is never going to be dealt with in a timely/effective…
Yep I agree. I knew this was gonna happen to the KDF versions, not only are they painful to look at but gimped as well. No thanks! Cryptic keeps putting out substandard ships for our faction and then cries about there not being enough players or sales from the KDF. Well derp!! If ya hardly ever do anything for them and…
I agree I would have bought it if they offered it from the C-Store. However since it's a random chance to get it, and likely a very low chance at that :( thanks I'm done with that.
The Romulan T'Varo is as ancient as the D'Kyr and the Andorian ships also, and yet despite being older than the Connie there's even a fleet version of it.
I'll take one too! :D Actually I'd don't need it to be the best... I'd settle for usable enough so if I do an stf I'm not a hindrance to the group and can make an actual contribution even if I don't have the highest DPS score. Make it a science ship even, then it won't be a threat to anyone's tender sensitivity to iconic…
Javrin, I do not know if this had anything to do with the death of your video, but since DR released I've noticed some maps are causing my GPU to get really hot and I can hear the cooling fan kick in high gear to compensate. I have a very clean system (no dust) and a case made for high airflow and in playing STO with this…
The LOD bug on the K't'inga has been in place so long I actually forgot about it. Hah! If the K't'inga ever does get allocated some time by Cryptic to be brought up to par, it would be nice to not only have the original studio model and it's skin applied but also have an option for the more heavily detailed "Kronos One"…
I do wish they would upgrade this ship, it's been neglected for far too long IMO. I would spend cash to see an Intel version like this: Haj Intel Heavy Bird-of-Prey Minimum Rank: Vice Admiral Faction: KDF - Imperial Intelligence Availability: C-Store Hull Strength: 31,500 (at level 50) and 38,700 (at level 60) Shield…
Agreed but I'd even take the Mat'ha if they swapped out the Lt.Comm ENG to a Lt.ENG and upgraded the intel slot to Lt.Comm SCI/Intel with the consoles at 5 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 3 Science ... then I'd be a lot happier SCI captain ready to spend some money. ;)
Memory Alpha has the canon answers you seek. The Battle Cruisers were actually two different ships, the D7 was an older cruiser that was replaced by the more advanced design of the K't'inga, just like the Constitution class was eventually replaced by the Excelsior class. People mistake the D7 and K't'inga as the same ship…
Yep I wish I could solo all the way with my Boff's for more firepower if needed, keeping any group activity as an option only... rather than being forced into a team with other players whether it be a story mission or stf.
So true it's painful. Only thing I would want is the KDF stuff... but man, that battlecruiser got mercilessly beat with an ugly stick. Raptor is better but not by much. No T6 BoP, no T6 KDF science ship that actually looks klingon, no surprise. Hmm only two ships for the KDF and ghastly to boot, gee wonder why KDF side…
The reason there are no JHAS for sale is because the exchange limits the maximum selling price of any one item to 500m and JHAS are worth over 800M now. Anyone looking to purchase them will have to post WTB notices in the zone/local channels and also TheTradingChannel in game to find one. I don't know if there are any…
There are plenty of rarities in other MMO's that you simply cannot get without a lot of effort grinding or if the option is there... spending real cash for. I like the fact there is at least one thing in this game you don't see quite as much as everything else. Sooner or later there will be another Doff Pack or something…
My BOffs are definitely not shooting as much as they have in the past and nowhere near as much as they should be IMO. In fact running voth ground missions the other day I almost felt like I was alone and the two Boffs were on a coffee break somewhere.... Helllo!! A little help here guys! :rolleyes: What was changed and why…
I'm in the same boat as other JHAS sellers, that 500m ec cap on the exchange is way too low, so I have to use the in game trading channel which is a limited audience. :( I know some think 500m is too high, others feel differently for something this sought after and rare, for them it will be well worth the cost.
Quoted for truth, and if you don't have access to fleet only items or expensive lock box consoles too bad for you. The ship was poorly thought out with a lousy boff layout, and mediocre consoles.. so for my money it's not even in the same league as the Scimitars which get a high end hanger pet to start with, high turn…
In my experience the angry posters are a vocal minority, they are not the majority of actual players. Most players I've known in the past or that I still see in game, seldom read or post the KDF forums anymore. We've got little reason to do so since the overall consistent response from Cryptic (other than silence) has been…
If they ever do release the C-Store KDF ship my greatest fear is that it will be another lame duck like the Bortasqu' causing yet more problems for us. Sheesh ...What did Cryptic expect! The Bortasqu' wasn't anything like what KDF players had been asking for and in my opinion to make matters worse the ship was gimped with…
If you personally think it is ugly, that's about you and your aesthetic tastes... others would disagree wholeheartedly. So really there isn't anything to figure out, it's a simple as that. I personally love the TOS Connie and if one was ever available at T5 I'd get it in a heartbeat and it would be the only ship I'd fly…
I for one am glad for the change, I'll take what I see as minor clipping issues on a few items for a much improved overall look. Having to make some tweaks in the tailor to get the overall aesthetics where I want them is a small price to pay IMO for a better looking character model. ;)