Entirely true, I just found that insistence funnier to comment on than the never-changing pains of a buggy MMO. To be fair (?), devs asking their players for bug reports regarding long-standing issues that should have been caught during internal playtesting (ahahaha--err, sorry) is not remotely limited to STO. I'd agree…
Yes, they don't count because you say so (well we never DIRECTLY SAW this, so clearly it's absolutely against Star Trek for it to exist). That's why it was funny. Especially your point about the peregrine fighters. Look up any clip of any of the shows wherein shuttles or runabouts were launched for fighting. You really…
Okay, I had to laugh at this. Name one example! ...except for all these examples I'm disqualifying. Really? Okay. Every single ship that had shuttlecraft/runabouts, which were used in combat when more specialized fighter craft weren't around (IE, the peregrine fighters mentioned up there). You'll say this doesn't count…