@karmaplasticity Looks like I'll be aiming for that 80k mark! Hope to do my best and not get that nasty lag on the way !!! Thanks for putting on another year of contests. Wish me luck !
Still in Kar'rat right now and somehow i was 100% blind to the tooltip that reads "still activates near target". So it's supposed to veer off course when something is closer. I'll have to consider this a lot more. Too bad though- i was desperately wanting a target lock on my enemy with my mines like that. Being able to…
@karmaplasticity current record on CLR for handle @karmaplasticity 23,212.1 DPS uploaded 31.10.2016 Did not have proper Season 11.5 filter set. Current personal best for Fire Star@karmaplasticity 176.6k DPS new goal: 229,581 DPS Update: After looking for Renden@karmaplasticity for a record in the 11.5 tab I discovered…
Fire Star@karmaplasticity , current leaderboard position 239 with 74,107.2 dps . 30% goal = 22232.16 for a new total goal of 96,339.36 dps just don't think I can make it - but I will try very hard. I feel like I have to be in a high DPS team to make this happen and not ISA pugs with 2 and 5k dps teammates. Wish me luck.…
http://i.imgur.com/HVyVVkZ.jpg that is the link to the JPEG - here is a try at posting the picture here in this reply ( sry - im not good at this ) AND by the way - how did the others put the trait icons and stuff in their submissions - those are completely unlike the examples shown on the webpage and look way better - Do…
how are you doing the other icons for the traits ? AND I don't know how you post the picture in a clean way that doesn't show the white background border that is unused. please email me in game at @karmaplasticity here is a link to my image http://imgur.com/HVyVVkZ ill try to post image too as ive never done any of this…
two zemoks - for omega/delta cooldown - two purple dmg control engineers - for drake on your two ep's - new dmg control engineer (delta pack dude) for placate with aux to sif -new shield distribution officer (delta pack dude) for .2% heal on each shot (alternate choices for non preorder DR pack at the end ) Your two…
1. In-Game @handle: Fire Star@karmaplasticity 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tactical - JHAS/JHDC 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CEST session or EDT session): 8:00 pm EDT (gmt -5) 5. Do you have any…
1. In-Game @handle: Fire Star@karmaplasticity 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tactical - JHAS/JHDC 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CEST session or EDT session): 8:00 pm EDT (gmt -5) 5. Do you have any…
Fleet Name: UFP Starfleet ( Multi-National Multi-Time zone ) Fleet Alliance(s): U.F.P.I.C.A. " United Federation of Planets Interfleet Coalitionary Alliance " Link to image of Fleet Logo: http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=7199423ufp-logo1.png General Theme (if any): Casual and family friendly fleet - Completed All tiers and…
SOO happy im going to get to craft better things now. Been watching lots of these posts and I really like w'hat im seeing out there. I wonder if the winners from the Risa photo contest will be uploaded in this, and also, on a random note - I would love to see mark boxes stacked in my inventory and not just sitting there- I…