Hmmm 1 Fe = 400 Req = 1Hr 1 Q mission/day = 40 Req/day = 15 days for having the 600 next... then... 1Fed + 1Kli + 1 Rom = 1HrX3 + [(40x15)X3] then... 27 days / (24H/server crash) We arrive at this absolute conclusion... NO HOPE ! Activating self destruct instance... PS : Come on at RSI'S Website Guys !!!!
Season 9 is coming soon after they reached the killer clown from outer space zone :P
She was kidnapped by the Hirogens, they want to hunt the Eppohs because this is a real challenge ^^ but they want to know all of the secrets of the predators ...
Sorry Guys, One Ensign of my board pushed the red button " do not touch this... *******" and fired on the Eppoh Fields with Thalaron Weapons, I have no idea how those damn Eppohs survived....:P
All I got isterran waves against the team no tholian and even in kamikaze mod the entity didn tfall under 18 per cent... 1 hour gameplay is this normal ?
Oups I lost 3000000 EC in my common bank too, this is a miracle and a new way of being auto-ejected from the game... so for the moment I stop STO... i am fed up with all of those problem met in this game...
this Come Only From The Launcher Or The Connection Server Because I Used A Vpn To Connect And Patch, Then Played, Then Disabled The Vpn While Playing So I Disconnected And Returned To The Blue Menu With Earth And Spacedock Rewote My Password To Connect Again And This Worked. Now I Disconnect Everything And Relaunch The…
How casual players who doesn't spend life on STO can win some little dilithium which is the base of your econommy ? So Maybe I can put my wife and my childs out and spend my life on sto to win some dilithium ? you see what I mean ? People who spend time on the game win dilithium and, the non sense is that they are limited…
Played the Normal version, very interesting on the design. But as said above only "I see I Kill". This is boring spending my time to fire on the mass, no strategy and elaborated scenario to put at first seeing; I felt the impression that it was a race for those who kills the best ^^ It is a map + for the borgs but I'd like…