same issue here in Minnesota i can't even login with out a Connection to the login server times out 15 times or a server not responding and cryptic still has notresponded to the problem
question for devs or mods when is there goin to be more options to buy delta risin other then paypal and skrill cause personaly i dont realy trust eather one with a bank account
seems only one Field Gen can be upgraded when ya have more then one tryed upgrading a 2nd field gen MK XII to MK XIII and all it gave me was tech part missing even tho i has a superior Sci upgrade (pic provided)
key bindings seem to be bugged still trying to switch the inverted controls to something where the ship puches up with "W" key and piches down with the "S" key and it wont let me change it
having same problem with the omega outfit to take the helmet off and the outfit returns to the orig look but when ya put the helmet back on looks like the tier 2 look