I gave up on asking them for t6 ships. I mean hey they screwed us over by putting the kelvin t6 connie in lockboxes and the tos t6 connie in promo packs. I like this game but when they do these moneygrabs it makes my like for this game dwindle.
Meh I think them putting the most requested ships in the game into a promo box was a bad idea. Was more than willing to fork over zen to buy em had they put them in the zstore. And personally this was the final nail in the coffin for this game for me. Instead I am bidding STO farewell.
This was the final nail in the coffin for me. Uninstalling the game as I type. Cryptic seriously fked up this time. Geko got what he wanted. One less kdf player. And I save money by getting rid of this game.
Would take nothing. My main is KDF. Imo the kdf are more entertaining to play. They get ships that actually look practical. The KDF storyline is quite well written compared to most of the fed's storyline. Tried playing a fed and it just didnt feel right. The whole blow TRIBBLE up first and ask questions later didnt fit. Be…
The mark boxes from the delta/temporal rewards dont give temporal marks. Least not at level 50. I have tried. EDIT: And apparently you can't beam down to risa at lvl 50 either.
And the whining commences. Called it. They will build one eventually. Give it time. And be greatfull you got a t6 connie in the first place even tho it is from the kelvin timeline.
The main reason the kelvin line is up on par with modern ships is they had acess to 2 modern ships. SF had access to scans and debri from the nerada and the vulcan ship. only logical they would reverse engineer a large sum of it. as for the mirror universe they didnt stray far from the prime universe as far as…
Nope not going to buy it cause i don't play federation. if it had been kdf or rom i wouldnt even hesitate to buy em. Edit: Oh and I wont be getting the cross faction ships either cause good god they are fugly.
I am jsut saying cryptic needs to pick up the ball and round out the factions they already have before they even think of adding more. imagine if they did level the playing field for the kdf and roms. the game would be better off and the kdf and roms would have a more stable playerbase. i can also say that as a kdf player…
I agree but geko would never allow it as he hates non-feds. I have something here that describes what geko and this whole federation favoritism is. It is from Star Trek 6 The Undiscovered Country. - Chekov: We do believe that all planets have a sovereign claim to inalienable human rights. - Azetbur: 'In-alien...' If you…
Just what we need another faction that they will ignore. They cant even handle the 3 factions they already have. Why do you people keep asking them for more.
I am going to try my best to get a d4x but who knows. anything can happen with lockboxes. seen people get the grand prize in 1 key seen people blow 100s of keys and never get it.