The change to seamless and improved sector space is an excellent and welcome one. Positive feedback is flowing in, and rightly so. Way to update a vital piece of the already-great Star Trek Online! Oft-repeated suggestions that deserve more repetition: Consider the sector space two-doors approach for Earth to be accessed…
Tac Team is quite useful. It is a balancing factor in STO and makes the game playable and more enjoyable. Brings a dynamic and adaptable element to space combat. Ensign level and Lt. level Tactical space (buff) abilities can be obnoxiously under powered, yes. However, the sole perk of being a Tactical Career captain is…
Eh, it's fine. There have been some major issues that have been swiftly addressed. I'll patiently wait for "maintenance" to come to a full conclusion. I'm not concerned about anything but the Fleet Defiant's ENSIGN TACTICAL STATION. It's useless......still! It is a tier 5 ship, supposedly. Right? To go toe-to-toe with…
My gameplay availability relies on a quick login and the ability to get some significant progress done in-game in a shorter amount of time than this queue overload is allowing. The queue has removed my opportunity to play STO, almost completely. It's close to unplayable now. I'm hoping the queue is gone very soon, or I may…
He's saying STO distracts him from his wife. I can relate. My wife is super cool and lets me take time to play STO, but I still struggle to balance my time. It was a funny and all-too-relatable joke :rolleyes:
Amen. I'm wondering how many of these complainers have even a single responsibility in life. Stop whining, people. It'll be up soon and my ship will pop yours out of the sky.
Patience, people. They need time to fix stuff. Simple as that. Best game ever. Just do it right, Cryptic. Ignore the rants, listen to the legit 'concerns', like you always do.
That's okay. I'd rather log on when they're ready than have whatever error they're addressing remain unfixed. You're fine, dev team. Do what needs to be done. I for one will be patient.
I am also happy with Star Trek Online, Cryptic, and even Perfect World Entertainment. Sure, they have issues they struggle with. We get disconnected sometimes. I want my Borg Cutting Beam to show up. And I want my t5 ship to not have useless Boff station slots. And there should be a dozen terradome-like missions that give…
SURPRISE! It's time for Season 8 early! Yeah, that's not going to happen... Then again, why the lockbox switch...? They're going to surprise us with something.
Let me say before I rant that STO is probably the best game in existence, and that Cryptic has done a magnificent job keeping the game updated and fun. We players are picky and demanding, yet Bran and the entire team work tirelessly to improve our experience and meet community requests (and demands). And they make cool new…
I'm going to say these patch changes are overall positive and will improve the game. Business changes I'd like to see in the future, and general game suggestions, include: Better team inclusion for Terradome attempts--it's now difficult to integrate newcomers More methods of purchase/fabrication/unlock for rare consoles…