I also share these/similar problems. Extremely long map transitions. Freezing or Crash on map transition. Menu, Icon, UI, model (Ships, pieces of costumes, devices,etc), animation, effects assets not loading/displaying. Freezes or hangs in gameplay (not framerate) Freezes or hangs in framerate. Detected problem with game…
This is a terrible mess In was quite excited at the thought of "crafting" as in designing a desired device (stats bonuses type etc) and going out and getting supplies to create it. This is horrible. Instead its run Fleet missions for supplies and gamble them against a time gate that you have no control over. The results…
Figured out what was wrong so thought I'd share. My issue was a combination of all Klingon research hologram doffs being fabrication engineers. As well as having purchased and been unable to use a federation research officer from the exchange. Hope this helps any others who had similar issues