United Fleet Operations Armada is all-inclusive and our fleets will actually acknowledge you. Stop by https://discord.gg/W7ETwhf and lets find your new home!
Ready to take your fleet to the next level, and join an active community? We currently have a Gamma spot open, and would like to discuss this opportunity with good leaders of Federation Fleets. We look forward to hearing from you!
United Fleet Operations has spots available in our Alpha, and Gamma Fleets. Check out our website https://www.alliedfleets.net or join us on discord https://discordapp.com/invite/9sWqSEj . We'll be happy to have you join our community.
-UFO- Nemesis Corps is still recruiting, and so are our armada allies! Come pay us a visit, if not our fleet - perhaps you'll find a forever home in one of our Armada Member Fleets: United Fleet Operations • Nemesis Corps • By Riker's Beard Expeditionary Taskforce • Mythical Legion • Section 31 Delta Force Ferengi Commerce…
But I already got my Dino with lasers on its head. Do we get a second one? a mating pair could be fun, especially if all combat stopped while the dinos get frisky.
So much this. I hope this gets dev attention, because I agree with much of what you said. From chatting with fleeties and friends, these are not unpopular opinions either. I would add, the formula for success of GTFOs and STFOs is: Increase rewards. Remove annoying interaction interrupters. Ease off the time gates, at…
I rarely post, and when I do, I'm snarky and enjoy my own brand of humor but, I have personal experience to call on with this stuff, and let me just say; please pack up a few backpacks with essentials and get ready to leave with your family. So much can go wrong thinking you're up a hill and several miles from the big…
I might be wrong but, I get the impression that initially, it was a way to introduce the player to a new place. But, at this point, by the time you're working through the reps, you've already been to ds9 (probably), and new Romulus, or the sphere command center for that matter. So now that I've had a few Romulan ale's,…
When you're right, you're right. Ok, now I'll be honest. What I really want is something like; Kurland here; We've received a message for you. PC; Acknowledged. Kurland here; We've encoded the message. PC; Thank you. Kurland here; OPS is sending the message now. PC; COMM, forward it to my ready room. Kurland here; Did you…
you're not wrong, but it clutters the mission tracker and it seems like adding a "hail so and so" option would be a simple addition that I for one would appreciate.
I rarely post, but just have to jump in now, to share my disappointment. I feel like we fans have been abused by this wannabe, and very much hope that he takes steps to start issuing refunds to the donors immediately. Though I realize that isn't very likely, since all the funds he has left will likely be sitting in a CBS…
Just wanted to pop in and say I was promoted to Moist (pause for applause), and I can't wait to start ordering all those lower ranked Fleet Admirals around. That is all, dismissed.
Thank you all. Much to do, much to consider, and lots of grinding ahead. Now if I could just keep everything equipped and slotted like I want when changing maps. ;) Thanks again for the assist.
thanks for your quick response. I'm kind of a balanced guy, so I suppose I've tried to balance my ships as well. I really think a federation ship (any of them) should be able to deal damage, and survive an attack even if it mean limping away to lick my wounds, and come back around for round two. What I really want is to…